Global Production and Consumption of Fast Food and Instant Concentrates

Global Production and Consumption of Fast Food and Instant Concentrates

Release Date: January, 2022|Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 253
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8197-1
ISBN13: 9781799881971|ISBN10: 1799881970|EISBN13: 9781799881995
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Description & Coverage

Globalization and industrialization have caused serious changes to the food and services markets, which have led to an increase in the consumption of fast food in the daily diet. Annually, the number of fast-food restaurants increases and volumes of the industrial production of fast-food products grow. The systematic consumption of fast food has many risks, such as developing alimentary diseases and serious chronic illnesses. This increasing consumption is a critical problem as younger generations are primary consumers of fast food.

Global Production and Consumption of Fast Food and Instant Concentrates compares healthy and fast foods, considers an ecological-hygienic assessment of the impact of fast food on the body in observations of people and in experiments in vivo, and discusses key questions of the interrelation of food and health. Covering topics such as nutrition and food culture, it is ideal for food industry professionals, scientists, medical professionals, researchers, academicians, practitioners, instructors, and students.


The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:

  • Alimentary Diseases
  • Chronic Illnesses
  • Consumption
  • Fast Food
  • Food Concentrates
  • Food Culture
  • Healthy Food
  • Nutrition
  • Pathological Conditions
  • Physiological Influences
  • State of Health
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Editor/Author Biographies

Inna Vladimirovna Simakova was born on 20 November 1977 in Saratov city, Russia. She is married and has two children. Inna graduated from Saratov State Agrarian University in 2000 and was qualified as an engineer in the specialty of Technology of public catering products. From 2000 to 2004 she has been studying in State Trade & Economy University, Department of food science, St. Petersburg Russia and graduated as a Ph.D. During couple years (from 2013 to 2015) she got a Doctor degree of Technical Sciences (Department of food science, Prioksky State University, Russia). From graduating to now she has been working in Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I.V avilov, Russia. Her professional activities include her working as a director of the small innovative enterprise “Healthy Nutrition” (2012-2022). In September 2021, textbooks in Innas co-authorship will be published for the areas of training “Food Sciences” of bachelor's, master's and postgraduate studies: “Technology of public catering products” and “Scientific and practical aspects of technology of food industry products”. She has 15-years of experience in the development of diets for the social sphere, including therapeutic, dietary and preventive diets (for children with phenylketonuria, cystic fibrosis, Down's disease, celiac disease, obesity, diabetes mellitus, microelementosis): kindergartens, schools, children's health camps. Also she has experience in the technological design of food industry enterprises with the layout of premises and equipment, taking into account the technological process and organization of production and plumbing calculations of the enterprise's need for electricity, water, etc. Most of scientific research is devoted to the study of the safety or effectiveness of food products in experiments in vivo. Over the past few years, the focus of her scientific activity has been directed to the interdisciplinary areas of preventive medicine. She conducts research together with medical scientific community of Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky. With the permission of the local ethics committee, together with doctors, she holds clinical studies of the effectiveness of the products of therapeutic, dietary and preventive and functional nutrition developed by her scientific school on patients with metabolic syndrome.

Victoriya Nikolaevna Strizhevskaya works at the Department of Food Technology from 1997 to the present. She graduated from the Saratov State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology with a degree in “Technology of meat and meat products”, qualification - “Engineer-technologist”. Theme of the thesis: “The study of technological properties and ways of using lamb in public catering” defense took place on January 28, 2004 in the dissertation council of the St. Petersburg Trade and Economic Institute. Direction of research activities: 05.18.15- “Technology and commodity research of products of functional and specialized purposes and catering.” He has more than 40 publications, 30 publications in the RSCI, 5 publications in journals according to the list of HAC, 8 teaching aids for bachelors and masters in the areas of training on “Technology products and the organization of public catering”.

Roman Lvovich Perkel, born in 1938, graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industry in 1961, the Department of General Technology and Refrigeration Technology of Food Products, majoring in Preservation Technology, qualified as a Process Engineer in the Refrigeration Industry. In 1970, Roman L. Perkel defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, “The study of autolytic changes in tissue fat of frozen herring during refrigerated storage.” From 1969 to 2001, Roman L. Perkel worked at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Oil Industry of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, St. Petersburg, consistently as a junior researcher, senior researcher, senior researcher, Ph.D., and from 1972 to 2001 as a Head of Laboratory of Transesterification of Fats. In 1977, by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission, Roman L. Perkel was awarded the academic title of Senior Researcher majoring in Technology of Fats, Essential Oils and Perfumery and Cosmetic Products (no. 05.18.06). In 1990, Roman L. Perkel defended his thesis in the form of a scientific report for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, “Research and development of technology and organization of interesterified edible fats production”. In 1991, by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission, Roman L. Perkel was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Since 1993, Roman L. Perkel has been a Corresponding Member of St. Petersburg Engineering Academy. From 2001 to 2004, Roman L. Perkel worked in the position of Deputy General Director for Science, Salolin JSC, St. Petersburg. From 2004 to 2016, Roman L. Perkel worked as Professor of the Department of Technology and Catering, St. Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics. In 2013, by the decision of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, Roman L. Perkel was awarded the title of Professor in the Department of Technology and Catering. From September 2016 to June 2017, Roman L. Perkel worked as a professor at the Graduate School of Biotechnology and Food Technologies, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great.

Galina Yuryevna Rakhmanova was born in 1963 in Kalinin, Kalinin region. She is married and has two children. Galina graduated from Saratov State Medical University in 1986 and was qualified as a pediatrician. After graduating from university, she has been working in sanitary and epidemiological organizations as epidemiologist as the head of environmental sanitation department and the head of sanitary and epidemiological department. Nowadays, she is the head of children hygienic supervision department in the Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Consumers Protection) in Saratov region. Her experience as epidemiologist is over 32 years. Galina has a certificate as children`s hygienist. Professional obligations include the ensuring of the children's sanitary and epidemiological health in Saratov region by organizing the work on creating and functioning of the control system, monitoring sanitary and epidemiological state of objects of mass concentration of children. The department organizes the prevention of infectious diseases caused by pathogens and parasites, non-infectious diseases (intoxication) of children caused by xenobiotics and superecotoxicants. The aim of her work is to identify the reasons and conditions of occurrence and spreading of infection and parasitic diseases, and also massive non-infectious ones (intoxication) on the objects for children by special sanitary and epidemical investigations. She defines the casual nexus between children's health and their inhabitancy. Besides, she carries out sanitary-epidemiological examination, investigations of the spots of children location. Moreover, she widely promotes the healthy lifestyle, healthy food to support the balance of activity and rest, and also she does the best to prevent bad habits among children.

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