A Future Direction for Integrating Workforce Diversity across the Curriculum: A Case Study of Strategic Planning, Interdisciplinary Research, and Co-Teaching

A Future Direction for Integrating Workforce Diversity across the Curriculum: A Case Study of Strategic Planning, Interdisciplinary Research, and Co-Teaching

Roxana D. Maiorescu, Mary J. Eberhardinger
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0209-8.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
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The current chapter provides details on integrating cultural diversity in the curriculum. Specifically, the authors discuss a new course whose aim is to prepare students to successfully work in the field of global strategic communication. The course is designed to help students gain an understanding of politics, economy, media, culture and diversity worldwide and constitutes a transformative approach to curriculum internationalization while revolving around interdisciplinarity in co-teaching and research. The authors discuss the design of the course as well as the literature they consulted for its development, namely past research on interdisciplinary research, co-teaching, and curriculum internationalization. The details provided in this chapter can help academics to replicate this approach in order to foster global engagement at their institutions.
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This chapter takes the perspective of two full time faculty members who belong to the same institution but teach in different departments. The authors share similar goals and ideology for building diversity in the workforce, which was facilitated by the creation of a future undergraduate, interdisciplinary course through an internal grant. While both of the authors agree on the goals and student learning outcomes for the proposed course, they also bring diverse working and teaching experiences into the project. Moreover, the perspective for the proposed future diversity integration project is drawn from teaching at a college that highly values inclusive and academic excellence. This chapter will introduce the landscape of the college, outline the plan to build diversity in a particular higher education setting, share how the proposed diversity model is inspired from related literature, and offer suggestions for future integration.

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