AI Detection's High False Positive Rates and the Psychological and Material Impacts on Students

AI Detection's High False Positive Rates and the Psychological and Material Impacts on Students

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0240-8.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter, per the authors, explains the inherent impossibility of “AI detection,” and explores the material and psychological impacts of AI detection false positives on students. A small corpus study is presented demonstrating much higher than advertised rates of false positives across a range of popular “AI detection” tools. Based on this study along with news reports and first-person testimony from affected students, the chapter presents the possibility that neurodivergent writers, along with L2 writers, are more likely to be impacted by false positives. Given the current rates of mental health challenges on college campuses and the likelihood of a disproportionate impact on students who already face marginalization, the use of these AI detection tools is argued to be unethical. The chapter closes with recommendations for writing teachers.
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The Fundamental Impossibility Of “Ai-Detection” For Writing

We begin by breaking down the “GPT” in ChatGPT, which stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer”. The word “transformer” refers to a type of neural network architecture first introduced by the famous paper “Attention is all you need” (Vaswani et al., 2017). Models using transformer architectures can learn about what words are likely in various contexts by processing sequences of text; the model can attend not just to the immediately preceding word, but to words in other positions in the sequence, and even to intermediate representations in other layers of the neural network.

The learning occurs during “pre-training”. In essence, the model learns by playing a “fill in the blank” game: given a sequence of text with a mask in place of one of the words, it predicts what word should replace the mask, and updates its parameters to account for how close or not the guess was to the actual masked word. “Closeness” is based on the representations within the neural network, which are called “embeddings”. A word embedding is a vector of values representing information about the contexts in which that word appears, which can be thought of as representing coordinates in a massively multidimensional space. For any pair of words, their “embedding” vectors can be compared to generate a measurement of how “similar” they are. While there is good reason to be skeptical about precisely how much world knowledge is actually captured in these word embeddings (Bender & Koller, 2020), some cognitive scientists argue that word embeddings closely align with human conceptual knowledge (Piantadosi & Hill, 2022). Research suggests that transformer models can predict nearly all of the variance in human neural responses to sentences (Schrimpf et al., 2021), and that alignment with humans at both the neural and behavioral level is possible even with “developmentally-realistic” amounts of training data (Hosseini et al., 2022). To be clear, this does not mean that LLMs are equivalent to human minds, but it does suggest that we should not be surprised when the output of an LLM is indistinguishable from human writing.

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