Application of Machine Learning to User Behavior-Based Authentication in Smartphone and Web

Application of Machine Learning to User Behavior-Based Authentication in Smartphone and Web

Manoj Jayabalan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9430-8.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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Authentication is the preliminary security mechanism employed in the information system to identify the legitimacy of the user. With technological advancements, hackers with sophisticated techniques easily crack single-factor authentication (username and password). Therefore, organizations started to deploy multi-factor authentication (MFA) to increase the complexity of the access to the system. Despite the MFA increasing the security of the digital service, the usable security should be given equal importance. The user behavior-based authentication provides a means to analyze the user interaction with the system in a non-intrusive way to identify the user legitimacy. This chapter presents a review of user behavior-based authentication in smartphones and websites. Moreover, the review highlights some of the common features, techniques, and evaluation criteria usually considered in the development of user behavior profiling.
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Digital authentication provides a means to secure access to digital information through various technologies. It acts as a prime component in the access control system to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access (Grassi et al., 2017; Jayabalan, 2020). The traditional and most widely used approach to identify the legitimacy of the user consists of supplying a username and password, a system known as Single Factor Authentication. The password is the oldest and predominant authentication factor that exists in the information security world. It is the simplest method to implement and inexpensive, but it is prone to vulnerabilities such as users using weak passwords that are easily cracked, phishing attacks, and other common hacker techniques (Raza et al., 2012). The technological advancements plethora the usage of digital service that requires several authentication factors to be implemented to prevent malicious users. As such, there is a need for organizations to employ Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) where increased complexity such as using a combination of two or more independent authentication factors (smart cards, biometrics, and security tokens) offers extra security protection (Andrean et al., 2020).

Three-factor authentication using the combination of the above factors can offer greater privacy and security, but as it is more complex, and organizations also have to maintain acceptable efficiency levels, it is a greater challenge to implement. There is an increase in biometric authentication systems in several organizations since these grant access only after validating a subject’s unique characteristics (Memon, 2017). Biometric authentication is broadly classified into physiological and behavioral. The physiological biometrics are based on the subject physical properties such as iris, fingerprint, face, and palm. Whereas behavioral biometrics measures the subject unique behavior or patterns from voice, keystroke, mouse dynamics, gait, and system usage, which can uniquely identify an individual (Aupy & Clarke, 2005; Ferbrache, 2016; Meng et al., 2015; Vielhauer, 2006).

The behavioral biometric strike the balance between security and usability via monitoring the user behavior throughout the active session. According to Global Opportunity Report 2017,

Behavioral biometrics analyses specific human behavior with intelligent software, adding a new layer of security to verifying identification that is nearly impossible to replicate, without any additional stress for the user. Products and services in this market are moving digital security beyond simple passwords and pin codes, ensuring that as cybercriminals become more advanced, so too do everyday users (DNV GL AS, 2017).

The advancement of Artificial Intelligence provides a venue for the information security experts to make an informed decision through gaining insights from the historical user access logs. Access logs are an integral part of the system that collects traces of event that was executed by an individual entity. The logs are beneficial for experts to identify the deviation that has occurred in the process through monitoring and auditing of the operations. Moreover, logs can be effectively utilized in many ways; process mining is the process of extracting the historical log to identify the cause of business process deviation and to improve the business flow (Claes & Poels, 2014; Jayabalan & Thiruchelvam, 2017). It can be further extended to extract user behavior to perform additional authentication by integrating machine learning algorithms.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Continuous Authentication: A verification method aimed to provide identity confirmation and cybersecurity protection on an ongoing basis.

Access Policy: A list of roles and resources to which the access permissions are defined for an individual role.

Intruder Detection: A software application or device to monitor the organization network for unusual activity.

Mouse Dynamics: A tiny patterns and variation in the mouse and/or pointer movements while the user interacts with the screen.

Cloud Computing: On demand availability of computing power and data storage capacity.

Keystroke: The pressing of a single key on a keyword.

Usable Security: A process to ensure the security products and services are usable by those who need them.

Transparent Authentication: A verification method aimed to assess the user behavior in a non-intrusive way to identify the legitimacy.

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