Augmented Reality as an Innovative Tool for the Training of Bilingual Education Teachers in Primary Schools

Augmented Reality as an Innovative Tool for the Training of Bilingual Education Teachers in Primary Schools

Gerardo Reyes Ruiz
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6179-2.ch014
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Children know a language when they associate words with images and sounds—this facilitates the assimilation of knowledge. This research uses applications based on augmented reality, which are designed to help teachers who want to teach another language, particularly English. The set of useful terms for the student to learn is defined in various categories such as animals, colors, and things. These terms are stored in a database with different formats such as text, 3D image, audio, and video which are associated with items that contain, in turn, a vocabulary which represents abstract entities, which are necessary to complement the learning of a language. The words are associated with the images and with the corresponding audio so that the students learn to read, write, listen, and, consequently, pronounce the words correctly. This research is projected as an innovative technological support that helps primary school teachers in the process of teaching the English language, and it is expected that in the short term it will become an indispensable basis for this educational dynamic.
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Globalization has resulted in the need for people with knowledge of several languages to enter an increasingly competitive world in labor, economic and cultural terms (Marlina, 2013; Cummins, 2021). Learning different languages is one of the most frequent activities in elementary schools, especially in their first years of learning (The Curriculum Development Council, 2017; Rao and Yu, 2019). This last perspective has the premise that children make better use of their cognitive system than they have at those ages (Williams et al, 2021). Children who begin to know a language other than their mother tongue normally associate words with images and sounds, facilitating the assimilation of knowledge and increasing their educational interest (Roberts et al, 2018; Garton & Copland, 2019). In this context, educational technology has shown multiple advances to offer various tools related to language learning, which have been implemented in basic education because, as already mentioned, their purpose is to take advantage of the cognitive system and the plasticity so powerful that children of these ages have (Pliatsikas, 2020; Birdsong, 2018). The technological tools that are used for learning a language can facilitate a series of skills, which should be useful so that children at the basic level can communicate effectively and, if possible, develop and facilitate new educational contexts whose characteristics promote their learning (Llevot-Calvet, 2018). In this sense, it makes sense to generate new educational contexts whose implementation characteristics are not expensive, rather they are easy to implement and manage (Valverde-Berrocoso et al, 2021). That is, its costs are measured in low monetary terms, while its educational benefits are as high as possible (Kayapinar, 2021).

Technological development has shown multiple advances, which have strengthened strategies focused on the teaching-learning process (Sailer et al, 2021; da Silva et al, 2019). This progress is surpassed every day by more efficient technologies that aim to help students in their learning and support teachers in their educational process (Huang et al, 2019). Some of the new educational technologies are embedded with various devices and media such as the Internet, mobile devices, the cybernetic cloud, and various technological objects (Llevot-Calvet, 2018; Dengel et al, 2019). This is to more efficiently support the task of teaching and learning (Tzima et al, 2019). However, the new technology called Augmented Reality (AR) has emerged as an innovative and efficient tool that both supports and creates new educational environments (Rohrbach et al, 2021; Karagozlu, 2021). In addition, one of the most outstanding characteristics of AR is the interactive and dynamic way in which it helps students and supports teachers so that abstract educational content is easier to understand (Buchner & Zumbach, 2020). Therefore, it is currently required to generate educational contexts whose characteristics strengthen both the learning process and build new ways of transmitting knowledge with quality (Roopa, 2021; Muhammad, 2021). In this sense, it has been observed that AR is an ideal complement for creating various educational applications. In particular, it has also been shown to be quite useful for teaching a language (Redondo, 2020; Bensetti-Benbader & Brown, 2019). This is mainly because the basic characteristics of AR are defined as a technology through which the visualization of the real environment is augmented by elements or objects generated by a computer or mobile device (Yildiz, 2021; Abad -Segura et al, 2020).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Computer System: A computer system is a basic, complete, and functional computer or computer, including all the hardware and software necessary to make it functional for a user.

Software: They are the programs, that is, the instructions to communicate with the computer and that make its use possible (we cannot touch it).

Information System (IS): It is a set of interrelated elements or components to collect, manipulate and disseminate data into information and to provide a feedback mechanism towards the fulfillment of an objective.

UML diagrams (Unified Modeling Language): They represent the design, architecture, and implementation of complicated software systems.

Augmented Reality: It is a technological resource that offers interactive experiences to the user from the combination of the virtual and the physical dimension, with the use of digital devices.

Virtual Reality: It is an environment of scenes and objects of real appearance that is generated by computer technology and serves to create in the user the sensation of being immersed in it.

New Technologies: They are those technological currents that are marking a change in the industrial, social, educational model, the global economy and in multiple disciplines that are currently in force.

Hardware: It is the physical part of the computer. Set of boards, integrated circuits, chips, cables, printers, monitors, etc. (what we can touch).

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