Beyond the Borders: Fashion Influencers Shaping Global Trends

Beyond the Borders: Fashion Influencers Shaping Global Trends

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0912-4.ch012
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Social media has emerged as a powerful platform that revolutionized the way the fashion industry operates. Fashion influencers have significantly impacted global consumer trends and brand perceptions with their large followings and engaging content. This chapter investigated the ways in which fashion influencers leverage social media platforms to shape consumer behavior, promote sustainable fashion practices, and bridge cultural boundaries to create a more inclusive fashion community across borders. This chapter has contributed to a better understanding of fashion beyond borders, social media influencers' role in transforming the fashion landscape, and their potential to influence positive change in the industry by conducting a comprehensive literature review. This chapter explores social media influencers' multifaceted roles in redefining fashion globally.
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Very few sectors in global commerce can bring together the creativity, innovation, and culture of various countries and, of course, trade the way the fashion industry can in a very effortless manner. The fashion industry is one of the oldest and biggest export sectors (Gereffi, 1999). The industry is not just an amalgamation of fabrics, designs, and trends but also a perfect blend of culture, consumer societal aspirations, and a powerful means of self-expression. Fashion as a sector operates beyond boundaries, brings together people from various cultural backgrounds and constantly evolves to cater to customers' ever-changing requirements. Fashion drives a considerable portion of the global economy, one of the most crucial sectors in the international economy. When considered in conjunction with the GDP of individual nations, the global fashion industry stands as the seventh largest economy globally (Amed et al., 2017). According to reports, the global apparel market generated 1.53 trillion dollars in revenue in 2022—a marginal decline from the year before. Nonetheless, revenue was predicted to rise to more than 1.7 trillion dollars in 2023 (Smith, 2023). In 2024, the fashion industry is anticipated to generate US$760.00 billion. It is projected that by 2028, there will be 2.9 billion users in the fashion market. The percentage of users will be 35.9% in 2024 and rise to 40.5% by 2028 (Statista,2023). The global fashion business has reached an evolutionary phase as an outcome of the digital age: rewriting the norms of engagement between companies and customers. Social media sites have evolved into virtual platforms where a global network of fashion aficionados not only follow the latest trends but also co-create them in addition to leading designers showcasing them. Pinterest, Instagram, etc., have developed into powerful catalysts that have brought fashion from the exclusive world of elite runways to the hands of the global population. Authentic, accessible content is becoming increasingly popular as fashion influencers, with their capacity to shape trends and influence purchase decisions, take center stage in the style world. The traditional retail industry is going through a digital transformation. “Fashion knowledge” is knowledge of a specific geography, which may or may not coincide with industrial production and retail locational geography (Weller, 2007). User-generated content (UGC), which is distinguished by relatability and authenticity, was made possible by the emergence of social media. It should come as no surprise that user-generated content (UGC) is more engaging and popular than platform-generated content (PGC), generating twice as much activity. User-generated content (UGC) will remain the most popular form of content consumption as more individuals use various social media platforms (Kumar, 2023). Since everyone has a different opinion about desirable or fashionable fashion items, the fashion market is primarily driven by material objects like shirts and skirts. However, fashion is also a very volatile and subjective field of study, and trends often come and go quickly due to wear and tear and shifting consumer preferences (Poorthuis et al., 2019).

The ease of purchasing from home for customers and the global platform that e-commerce companies offer manufacturers to display their products have made them into thriving marketplaces. Technology integration has transformed shopping experiences completely dependent on the traditional brick-and-mortar retail experience into a more engaging shopping space. Augmented reality, virtual fitting rooms, and customized shopping encounters are revolutionizing how customers engage with and perceive fashion.

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