Comprehensive Internet Youth Protection Policies by Private Organizations and Effectiveness Verification: Efforts by Japan Internet Safety Promotion Association

Comprehensive Internet Youth Protection Policies by Private Organizations and Effectiveness Verification: Efforts by Japan Internet Safety Promotion Association

Nagayuki Saito, Ema Tanaka, Eri Yatsuzuka, Madoka Aragaki
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7214-5.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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Seeking a safer internet environment for minors, the Japanese government enacted a new law in 2008 to promote both protective measures and empowerment activities. Under the law, many entities—including newly established non-profit organizations (NPOs)—are working to bring a safer internet environment to Japan. The Japan Internet Safety Promotion Association (JISPA), one such NPO established in February 2007, has been promoting a safer internet environment for minors by providing non-formal learning opportunities through educational materials and events. Efforts to improve children's online safety have evolved from offering e-learning content and guidelines to holding workshops in the real world. This chapter presents various measures taken by JISPA for the protection of children using the internet and verifies the effectiveness of these measures based on evidence. Measures to be verified are e-learning contents, workshop programs, and internet literacies among young people and parents.
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Necessity Of Internet Awareness Education For The Developmental Environment Of Young People

The various risks raised from Internet use are problems faced by all Internet users. However, protective measures are needed for young people in the developmental stage. This section addresses the necessity of protecting youth using The Ecology of Human Development (Bronfenbrenner, 1979) as a clue.

Bronfenbrenner (1979) classifies the ecological environments in which humans live into four areas. The microsystem is the area in which one’s experiences influence him/her and direct subsequent actions. The mesosystem includes influences from homes, schools, et cetera, that affect behavior style and roles. The exosystem is the area in which relationships between parents and teachers indirectly influence the microsystem. Finally, the macrosystem is affected by one’s living environment and sociocultural factors. Thus, these ecological environments directly and indirectly influence young people in their development (Figure 1).

Key Terms in this Chapter

ILAS JISPA: An indicator developed to measure the internet literacy of young people and parents.

Non-Formal Learning: Learning practices conducted outside of formal learning in schools.

E-Learning Content: Educational materials offered online.

Media Literacy: The ability to use media properly with sufficient knowledge, skill, and moral conscience.

Family Rules: Rules that should be held by family members.

Mobile Phone: A wireless device which has several communication functions such as call, website access, e-mail, and so on.

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