Dramatic Premise and Human Purpose: Has First Cause Intention and Democratic Rule of Law Been Trumped?

Dramatic Premise and Human Purpose: Has First Cause Intention and Democratic Rule of Law Been Trumped?

Stephen Brock Schafer
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8884-0.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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Carl Jung's therapy is based on the dramatic structure of dreams, and current neurobiology and semantics confirms that drama—as defined by Plato—is the electromagnetic (EM) pattern of human reality. Therefore, fractal universal structure may be perceived in everything—“as above, so below”—and First Cause morality and intention can be correlated with contextual human purpose. Dramatic premise is a common denominator that integrates all of the dramatic components (plot, character, exposition, and lysis). First Cause Intention trickles down to personal harmony of purpose, but FC morality has always been problematic for humans. What part does evil play in the drama of human-cultural morality? Due to the significant difference of scale, human “contextuality” must be factored into the equation for moral behavior. Today's artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for media technology can be used to foster authentic FC “coherent entrainment” according to Carl Jung's ratio between archetypes of the unconscious and their relatively conscious projections as archetypal representations (AR).
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In the field of logic, premise is a basic proposition that links beginnings (First Cause) with endings (conclusions); i.e., in a story, the dramatic premise upon which the plot unfolds and the dramatis personae interact provides a dynamic for entraining the coherence of dramatic elements defined by Plato. Therefore, a valid premise may be understood to lead to a valid dramatic denouement, and this validity may be understood in terms of adherence to First Cause human purpose or the morality of “contextual truth” that is implicit in authentic culture.

Due to the fractal structure of electromagnetic reality, Jungian dynamics of dream therapy can be applied to healing the media “dreamscape”. Moreover, Jung’s theory and clinical experience are directly compatible with quantum physics and neurobiology. According to Carl Jung’s ratio between archetypes of the unconscious and their projections as archetypal representations (AR), a comprehensive psychic view of a cultural persona’s contextual truths may be deciphered from “virtual” images. In Jungian practice, dream interpretation leading to healing a patient is based on a psychiatrist’s exegesis of symbolic dream images using the process of compensation that he called the Amplification Method (AM). The compensatory AM can be equated with “metaphorical extension” and with the dynamic of electromagnetic (EM) “coherent entrainment” (McCraty & Childre, 2010, p. 11).

In other words, a comprehensive psychic view of a cultural persona’s contextual truths (morality and purpose) may be deciphered within the optical mathematics of projected “virtual” images. In Jungian practice, dream interpretation leading to healing a patient is based on a psychiatrist’s exegesis of symbolic dream images using the process of compensation that he called the Amplification Method (AM). The compensatory AM can be equated with “metaphorical extension” and with the dynamic of electromagnetic (EM) “coherent entrainment”. An unexpected virtue emerges from synchronizing these ideas. Not only can the planetary “crisis of extinction” be addressed with measurable coherent entrainment, collective First Cause human purpose can be discovered and imprinted within every aspect of culture.

All EM dynamics are essentially rhetorical in nature, so the hypothesis that rhetorical “premise” is the key to unpacking collective human purpose and investing human purpose with First Cause Intention can be contemplated in terms of literary exegesis. Literary exegesis has a direct connection to theological exegesis of religious manuscripts. In other words, exegesis is the dynamic that supports “faith”, and—within the realm of human behavior—faithful choices are generated according to largely unconscious dynamic patterns of applied exegesis which can be denominated the ratio of “premise”. In Plato’s drama, what the protagonist learns from the entrainment process (dramatic experience)—the ratio between “exposition” (statement of the dramatic problem) and “lysis” (resolution of the dramatic problem) is the contextual “truth”.

Moreover, contextually valid choices can be considered “moral”. This morality is the intention of the author—First Cause Intention that is expressed through the personae in the drama. This dramatic structure is analogous to real-life contextual morality and government. The dramatic analog could serve to maintain coherent individual morality and moral democratic government, so the by applying the ratio of premise to the media-field as “publisher”. The ratio of premise becomes the arbiter of complex morality and diverse First Cause Intention as applied to democratic government that has always been problematical due to variations in morality and contextual truth.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Amplification Method: Is the Jungian process for exegesis of dream symbolism. Simply understood, it is a process of metaphorical extension used by a psychiatrist in his/her efforts to induce meaningful insight in a patient.

Preternatural: The preternatural is that which appears outside or beside (Latin: præter ) the natural. It is “suspended between the mundane and the miraculous”. In theology, the term is often used to distinguish marvels or deceptive trickery, often attributed to witchcraft or demons, from the purely divine power of genuinely supernatural origin that transcends the laws of nature. However, the new quantum EM reality supersedes former religious limitations. Words matter, so—in-order to maintain reader attention—we use the term “preternatural” in the Latin sense; i.e., the term applies to both positive and negative electromagnetic sources of “intention”. Whether such intention is “good” or “bad” depends upon motive and context. Premise can be employed to disambiguate context in order to make motive more transparent. In this chapter, the terms preternatural and paranormal are synonymous because pre-judgments are less likely to occur when determining what is good and what is bad. The difference between “good or bad” can be realistically addressed as “coherence vs. incoherence; but, because these forces (intentions) are quantum entangled, disambiguation is tricky.

Context: When used by Carl Jung, contextuality refers to the entire EM “functional Psyche” of a patient—knowledge of which is essential to the development of a psychiatrist’s empathy with a patient. The classic four human functions symbolized with the elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire have been translated by Jung into the functions of Perception (flesh), Emotion, Mind, and Intuition (aether). In other words, Jungian context includes everything that is knowable in a unified field “context” about a patient or a student.

Evolution: In the context of this chapter, Darwinian evolution—in its normally misconceived form—is not the only alternative. All of the world’s great religions and Mystery Schools teach variants on Cosmic evolution. These variants can be seen in metaphors such as the Sun’s journey, the Journey of the Hero, the seed or DNA, the stages of human life from birth to death and beyond including uterine recapitulation, and Huxley’s Perennial Philosophy (2009) that extends evolution from sub-atomic to galactic dimensions. “Universalism” is the idea that all religions, underneath seeming differences, point to the same Truth. In the early 19th century the Transcendentalists propagated the idea of a metaphysical Truth and universalism, which inspired the Unitarians, who proselytized among Indian elites. Towards the end of the 19th century, the Theosophical Society further popularized universalism, not only in the western world, but also in western colonies. In the 20th century, universalism was further popularized through the Advaita. Vedanta inspired Traditionalist School, which argued for a metaphysical, single origin of the orthodox religions, and by Aldous Huxley and his book The Perennial Philosophy , which was inspired by neo-Vedanta and the Traditionalist School (Huxley, 2009).

Jungian Individuation: Is the goal and end product of contextual human psychological evolution that is best understood as Joseph Campbell’s Journey of the Hero. When placed in an astrological context of functional geometry, the Journey becomes contextually precise—not as fate, but as “possible” outcomes of free-will choice.

Coherent Entrainment: Is both a state of being (coherence) and a process (entrainment) for maintaining interactive systemic harmony among systemic EM fields.

Jungian Context: In Jungian therapy, “context” refers to every inner and outer electromagnetic, cultural, personality typology known about a patient for the purpose of establishing total “empathy” between the psychiatrist and the patient. This is a uniquely important aspect of Jungian therapy because it precludes any and all degrees of patient coercion by a therapist. This contextual factor makes Jungian therapy unique as an authentic way to empower (heal) a patient. It also applies to any educational dynamic that advances (heals) a student (Childre, 2019c; McCraty et al., 2017; McCraty & Childre, 2010).

Archetypes of the Unconscious: In modern terms, archetypes are electromagnetic patterns that can be understood to comprise universal Karma. This Karma exists in a cosmic fractal unified field of “energy” or kaleidoscopic resonance in which the source codes for human agency reside. These source codes are projected as “human functions”—the infinite behavior of “thought/word, feeling, perception, and intuition.

Archetypal Representations (AR): Carl Jung realized that dreams were intelligible projections from unintelligible (unconscious-archetypal) dimensions of Psyche and that “insight”—on the part of his patients—relative to the “meaning” of symbolic dream images could heal his patients. Students of Jungian therapy have extended this dynamic of “projection” to the “waking dream”, Criminology, Forensics, synchronicities, Shamanic/Gnostic experience, memory, creative fantasy, guided imagery, and every aspect of the media-field as an authentic dynamic for “meaningful evolutionary insight”. Applied with modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms, the projection of optical patterns of light in the media-field can be interrogated for discovery of unconscious sources of cultural psychosis, the harmonization of archetypal EM patterns (complexes), and the resolution of cultural crises.

Backpropagation: Is a learning process applied by neural nets to solve problems. The backpropagation algorithm was originally introduced in the 1970s, but its importance wasn't fully appreciated until a famous paper by Rumelhart, Hinton and Williams (1986) described several neural networks where backpropagation works far faster than earlier approaches to learning, making it possible to use neural nets to solve problems which had previously been insoluble. Today, the backpropagation algorithm is the workhorse of learning in neural networks.

Premise: Is a dynamic of dramatic structure and dramatic structure informs the media dreamscape, dreams (Jacoby, 1973), and neuro-semantic bio-chemical processes at the foundation of cultural narratives (Lakoff, 2008). Therefore, premise plays a critical “embodied” role in the human cognitive structure for perceiving reality and truth. Premise can be employed to disambiguate context in order to make motive more transparent. Understanding the dynamic underlying premise is critical to understanding the infinitely complex media-field. Premise is an unorthodox but scientifically verifiable approach to addressing how the media is contextually perceived and how it may be contextually healed. The dynamic we call premise has its analog in the dynamic of coherent entrainment. Coherent entrainment is both a process and a state-of-being. Following the process of entrainment to the goal of coherence can be explicated at deep levels of resonance by observing the role of premise as it unfolds between dramatic “exposition” (statement of the dramatic problem) and “ lysis ” (Resolution of the dramatic problem). Another way to say this is that Natural teleology , common in classical philosophy, though controversial today, contends that natural entities also have intrinsic purposes [premises], irrespective of human use or opinion. For instance, Aristotle claimed that an acorn's intrinsic telos [according to a process of coherent entrainment (growth)] is to become a fully grown oak tree. In other words, premise is the arbiter between resonant beginning (archetypal EM patterns) and endings (consummation of First Cause Intention). Premise enables contextual persons and collectives to discover their raison d’être.

Electromagnetism: EM is not limited Spin-1 force fields (responsible for light, heat, and chemical transformations). EM is correlated with Spin-2 (space), Spin-3/2 (air), Spin-1/2 (water), and Spin-0 (earth ) ( Sharma & Clark, 1998). Therefore, the so-called differentiated spin types that define Gravity, Gauge, and Matter are actually integrated. It is as yet unknown whether so-called noumenal dimensions consist of archetypal EM-like patterns, but the probability is becoming increasingly evident as quantum science evolves. For the purposes of our paper, the research on EM and quantum field theory (QFT) is more than sufficient to assert, interpolate, and extrapolate the hypothesis of the “premise.”

Embodied Transduction: Embodiment includes everything known in modern medical applications about atomic, molecular, cellular, organic, systemic, genetic, and psychic dynamics. Transduction may be understood in terms of correlations that exist among these many degrees of “sentient” life. However, this chapter extends the concept to its correlated EM embedded purpose. In other words, it correlates Divine First Cause Intention with human purpose and intention.

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