Exploring the Relationship Between Minority Status, Class Size, Per Pupil Expenditure, and Student Achievement: A Multilevel Approach

Exploring the Relationship Between Minority Status, Class Size, Per Pupil Expenditure, and Student Achievement: A Multilevel Approach

John Rugutt
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5705-4.ch018
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This study used hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) approach to investigate relationships between student achievement, minority status, per pupil operating expenditure (OPEX), and class size with a sample of 83,738 high school students from a midwestern state. The HLM results indicate significant differences among schools (χ2 = 22,556.99, df = 595), p<0.001, with an intra-class correlation of 0.16 indicating that 16% of variance in achievement was among schools. With minority status as Level 1 and OPEX and class size as Level 2 predictors, the variance accounted for in mean school achievement was 48.5% indicating that these variables accounted for 48.5% of variance in achievement. The reliability of the sample mean in any school was 0.923. All the model predictors varied among schools and cross-level interactions showed main effects of class size and OPEX were significant while the slope intercepts for OPEX were significant while that of class size was not.
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Purpose Of The Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of student-level and school district level variables on student academic achievement. Specifically, this study will investigate whether student achievement is related to the student-level variable of minority status and school district level variables such as per pupil expenditure and class size.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Achievement Differences: The difference in academic performance between two or more groups of students.

ACT Composite Score: The ACT composite student score is each individual score on student. The ACT was first administered in 1959 and is the most accepted test used for college admission. Furthermore, the ACT is curriculum-based and directly assesses what the student has learned in high school courses. There are also corresponding components of English and science.

Average Class Size: Calculated as the sum of specified class enrollments in all subject areas in high school divided by the number of classes. The average for the 2 nd and 5 th class periods is used for high schools.

Per Pupil Operating Expenditure: Computed using the gross operating cost of a school district (except summer school, adult education, bond principal retried and capital expenditures) divided by the Average Daily Attendance for the regular school term. This value is used to assess the allocation of resources a school district provides for each individual student.

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