Lack of Characteristics Management Causing Biggest Projects Failure

Lack of Characteristics Management Causing Biggest Projects Failure

Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2255-3.ch490
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter focuses on recognizing important resource aspects that can cause disruptions in a project and how to deal and manage them more effectively to reach desired outcomes. You cannot be successful only by following a project methodology, you will need to be aware of your surroundings and know how to use your resources that will be available to you. In past experiences, diverse resources have shown dramatically impact in cost management as well as the overall timeline. As a project manager you will need to be prepared to put challenges on permanent lockdown. Our overall approach was to create awareness and guide each project manager in overcoming these challenges. When looking back on previous unsuccessful projects, it was not the methodology that was deficient or the project plan but in the way that the group came together as a team. There are many complications that come into play when managing difficult project team members. Therefore, get to know your audience as well as your team; it will make a world of difference.
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You might have the right amount of resources, the right amount of skill sets, the right amount of money and the perfect project plan. However, what you thought it was going to be an easy project will turn into a total disaster if you are not managing your resources characteristics or personalities. Once you are aware you have a problem, you now have to switch to damage control mode and waste valuable time, instead of concentrating on the core objectives of your project. This is byproduct of not properly assessing your resources correctly. Projects in themselves are complicated to manage; so dealing with difficult people can add more stress and create barriers that can hinder the progress. I don’t think your resources plan on giving you a hard time, but like the old adage says, the path to a project nightmare is littered with good intentions. Project success is not only about balancing the triple constrains (cost, time and scope); it is also about controlling all the unknowns, including your resources. A team is only established when everyone pulls together and focuses on the project objectives. Your role as a project manager is key to insuring successful outcomes. A poor project manager fails to bring out the best in his team, but a good one can produce a winning combination, even with some individuals that may perhaps seem to lack ability to do so. Leadership is a critical and essential component for any project management team. To better understand the impact of project manager, it is helpful to consider the following definitions of project manager:

  • A project manager is usually a person who is responsible to run a project from the beginning to the end. It includes organization, implementation and control of their resources including people. (Techpedia, 2013).

  • Project managers need to be leaders which is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how it can be done effectively, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives (Yukl, 2002).

You need to lead which involves the ability to influence people to take actions toward completing a goal or project. Projects contain a number of components with the main three being scope, cost, and time. For the project team to effectively meet scope, cost, and time goals, one must appreciate the impact of positive leadership. It is up to the project manager to manage issues related to scope, cost, and time, as well as to lead the team to successful completion of these goals and the project as a whole. A project manager manages their project staff by developing a positive environment.

We are all very familiar with the term “lead by example”. Team members may already have negative characteristics, but if the leader displays negative traits, other team members will follow to parallel behavior as the leader. However, these types of project manager that don’t lead by example introduce a whole other issues and motivational scheme in which I am not addressing in this chapter. Any individual who forms part of a team will also make a decision to commit to the team’s goals; this is why they need to be sure they understand the goals. Teams normally are complicated, it is helpful for the members to ask questions, clarify any misunderstanding and get to know their project manager.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Forming: Introduction phase of team members, everyone is getting to know each other.

Management: The process of controlling things or people.

Triple Constraint: These are important elements (budget, scope and time) that need to be controlled efficiently for a triumphant completion of a project.

Methodology: Set of practices perfection by someone else to guide you to do certain things.

Characteristics: A personal quality, attribute, or trait.

Storming: Phase where team is learning how to handle conflict.

Performing: Team matures and is settling their expectations.

Norming: Productivity phase, now team is concentrating on working toward project goals.

Theory: It is a set of guidelines developed to explain an observable fact.

Diversity: Considerable exceptionality of each individual, our difference from each other’s.

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