Lifting the Mantle of Invisibility: IB School Libraries and Their Contribution to Teaching and Learning

Lifting the Mantle of Invisibility: IB School Libraries and Their Contribution to Teaching and Learning

Anthony Tilke, Yvonne L. Barrett
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5107-3.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
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Reasons exist for perceptions of school librarians and libraries that may be historic and nostalgic—yet are still powerful—as they may impact decisions made by school leaders, teaching colleagues, and students about the role libraries and librarians play in IB education. After conducting specific research amongst IB school librarians, the chapter outlines that IB documentation exists to identify librarian roles. Librarian pedagogy is recognized, together with a discussion about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on school library programs. The chapter takes a premise that school library/ian roles may be invisible or hidden, identifying factors to enable change to greater awareness of the contributions of the school library and the librarian in IB teaching and learning.
Chapter Preview


Those reading thus far have probably done so either because a) they have been advised to do so (i.e. they are librarians) or b) because their interest has been piqued by a suggested connection between libraries/librarians and pedagogy. Already, some readers of this monograph will have passed over this chapter because they are either not librarians or because they do not see a connection with the school library/librarian and learning. Why does this happen?

The chapter title could have hidden the words ‘school libraries’, in an attempt to coax non-readers to peruse this chapter, but the time for being coy or oblique is over. The connection between learning and school libraries/librarians is one that will be discussed in this chapter. This is significant given that the International Baccalaureate (IB) acknowledges the effort of IB schools who are reconsidering the role of libraries and librarians especially in light of digital and informational resources which impact teaching and learning (International Baccalaureate Organization, 2020).

Yet, it is also useful to acknowledge Walker’s conceptual framework of “disconnections” rather than challenges within an educational setting, which is explained as:

a persistent lack of relevance and acceptance of certain innovations or programs to on-the-ground reality of schools because of a failure to connect the purposes and priorities of the programs to those realities (Walker & Lee, 2018, p. 471).

This will resonate with IB school librarians who often see a disconnect between the intention and purpose of what they are trying to achieve, their actions, and the on-the-ground reality of competing school priorities. This brings into focus two major aspects affecting libraries and librarians: namely, perspective and visibility. These themes are central to the research presented in this contribution to educational reform and the International Baccalaureate, identifying the role of the library/librarian.


Literature Review

In the broader academic literature, there appears a disconnect between school library literature and that of general or other educational literature (Tilke, 2011). Studies exploring the role of libraries/librarians, information literacy and academic achievement are generally published within the silo of library and information journals, but fail to penetrate beyond the discipline (Secker & Coonan, 2011; Badke, 2010). This continues to be the case. Merga (2020, p. 669) also recognized this ‘silo’ and noted the need for research findings to be extended to explore other areas of value such as student wellbeing to be shared across ‘library, education, health and health promotion spaces’. Therefore, much of the research literature that exists and professional literature is published in and largely for the library and information sector (LIS). The authors were particularly interested in literature regarding:

  • Perceptions about a school library/librarian

  • Pedagogy of school librarianship

  • School libraries as environments for learning, literacy and wellbeing

  • Professional (managerial) duties of the school librarian

  • Specific literature relating to IB school libraries

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