Privacy and Security in Wireless Devices for the Internet of Things

Privacy and Security in Wireless Devices for the Internet of Things

Sridevi, Manojkumar T. Kamble
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3921-0.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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IoT devices are used to make human life easier and better by saving time and human energy. The IoT devices are controlled by an artificial intelligence system so that the devices can take the necessary decision and perform the work efficiently. The IoT devices are used in homes, offices, factories, schools, traffic signals, water supply management, power sector, security surveillance, hospital, vehicle monitoring, smart city, etc. IoT devices play lifesaving things in human life by continuously monitoring human health. In this chapter, the privacy and security-related IoT device issues were discussed with real-time attacks, and some counter-attacks have been explained. The flow of the chapter is organized as an introduction, architecture, functions, storage management, privacy, security, key elements of IoT, key technologies in IoT, and research opportunities in the IoT domain respectively.
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IoT is founded on the same principles as the human internet system. Human beings are connected by sharing things and information. In the same way, IoT is the collection of devices that are interconnected through the internet. In earlier days, the IoT devices worked alone each device has particular instructions, and that IoT device perform that task. Because of this reason IoT devices use many external devices to be connected to a central server. So to reduce the number of external devices a new era has been started, in that all the IoT devices are connected remotely and share the information collected with the help of sensors. IoT devices are made up of software and hardware products with minimum size to place and use conveniently. IoT devices are mainly used for the collection and monitoring the environmental things. These devices can take command remotely from the user and also reflect on the command to perform the assigned task. This is possible because of the use of software and hardware things that are embedded in the IoT devices.

To maintain privacy and security, some software and hardware things are required in IoT wireless devices and those are given as follows.

Components of Wireless IoT Devices

  • 1.

    Actuators: Actuators are system components that control the whole device and also it converts energy into motion.

  • 2.

    Sensors: Sensors are software and hardware devices that are used in IoT devices to sense and collect environmental data. The sensors are the main components of any IoT device. There are many types of sensors are used in IoT devices like heat sensors, wet sensors, moisture sensors, touch sensors, motion sensors, etc. (Gupta, Khan and Sethi, 2019).

  • 3.

    Memory: Memory is the foremost thing in any IoT device. The data which is collected by the sensors should be stored before sharing with any other device.

  • 4.

    RFID: Radio frequency identification is used to uniquely identify the devices. It provides a unique id to each device in the network (Singh, Singh, and Saxena 2020).

Characteristics of Wireless IoT Devices

IoT devices are made with new technology so that they perform advanced things in less time and in an easy way so they appear unique. Some of the interesting characteristics of IoT devices are listed below

  • 1.

    Unique identity: IoT devices use an identity management system to identify every device uniquely because a large number the IoT devices are produced and used in this world. While the IoT devices want to communicate with each other the device identity must be known previously. RFID i.e. radio frequency identification is used for maintaining the uniqueness and providing a unique identity to IoT devices (Singh, Singh, and Saxena 2020).

  • 2.

    Dynamic nature: The state of the IoT devices continuously changing with respect the environmental conditions. The devices are in the power-saving mode so because of this reason these devices get activated whenever necessary.

  • 3.

    Self-adapting: The IoT device sensors keep changing their nature concerning environmental conditions. The devices have self-replication features so in all situation these IoT device provides the best information and results.

  • 4.

    Self-configuring: The modern IoT devices are equipped with such a technology that they configure themselves like network configuration, the latest software updating, and all with minimum user intervention.

  • 5.

    Heterogeneity: This is the highest level of updated thing in modern IoT devices. Different IoT devices with their different configuration, protocols, standards, platforms and different networks are embedded in modern IoT devices and still, provide the best and most reliable results. This is happening because of IoT’s heterogeneity character.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Internet of Things (IoT): The IoT is a collection of electronic devices which are connected, controlled, and monitored using another electronic device with the help of the internet. These devices exchange data between each other and between server databases.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): DDOS is the extension of DOS. In DDOS the attacker sends the unnecessary garbage request to the server with multiple IoT devices so that the server gets down faster than the DOS technique.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI refers to making the machine think and behave like a human being.

Denial of Service (DoS): In this method, the attacker sends unnecessary garbage requests to the server and the server gets down because of garbage requests. When an authorized user wants to access and use the server using the internet of things then the server denies the user's request. This process is called denial of service.

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