Results of the Learning Model: Challenges in Companies as an Element of ISTG Reputation

Results of the Learning Model: Challenges in Companies as an Element of ISTG Reputation

Marlo Antonio Lopez Perero, Marilyn Jessennia Paredes Argudo, Liliana Elizabeth Aguirre Gonzalez, Ana Rosa Troya
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4930-8.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The execution of the learning model based on the challenges projects, whose final activity is student learning oriented to the practice of knowledge and development of professional skills in the marketing career, is carried out thanks to agreements signed with local and national companies. This work aims to carry out a systematic review of the trends on the criteria issued based on the results of the satisfaction survey applied to 78 owners and managers of related companies, after the students socialized the results with the presentation of their projects. It is proposed to reformulate and diversify the challenges projects considering the productive matrix, the environmental impacts, as well as the market trends, which will contribute to the Higher Technical Institute of Guayaquil achieving a greater reputation in the public education market, which will lead to greater demand in the quotas of their careers.
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Development Models and Their Influence on Education

Countries have understood that giving meaning to the educational system undoubtedly influences the local and international economy. Education undoubtedly provides an innovative response to the problems facing the global economy, using knowledge to improve productivity and competitiveness. Along the same lines, it is necessary to understand the alignment process through the educational strategy presented by the World Bank and the United Nations, which converge in the 2030 Agenda, where the Objectives of Sustainable Development (SDG) that guides countries in their planning (Poudyal, Bowker, & Moore, 2001).

Thus, in order to achieve good planning in education, it is essential to have one or two lines of SDG, which guide the projects or programs: the first (Government of Spain, 2019) “The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) no. 4, the same that seeks to guarantee an inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. It is of capital importance to increase efforts aimed at reinforcing the role that education plays in the full realization of human rights, peace, and the responsible exercise of local and global citizenship”. And the second in this same line, the ODS no 8 that indicates (Government of Spain, 2019) “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all” (Secretaría Tecnica Planifica Ecuador, 2019).

These two SDGs are directly related to the approach of the strategies towards the construction of educational models whose business activities benefit from experiences with society, as well as experiences that lead young people to a current and quality education (Zulia, 2008).

Latin America has lived for a long time, the loss of talent that undoubtedly occurs due to the little concern of governments in the creation of programs to support business initiatives. By creating an education system integrated with the productive and commercial sector, this will prevent businesses from disappearing in the first years, and achieving the expected maturity. In the same sense, higher education has high costs in the educational programs offered by private universities and institutes, careers with a low level of innovation, but with exaggerated prices that discourage the middle class, turning their eyes to public universities in the most important countries. developed as a study goal due to its low costs (García de Fanelli, 2008).

It is necessary to note that the most developed countries have problems in this same context, since it has been seen that in recent years they have had to welcome in their educational system children as a result of the different waves of immigrants, movement to and from the United States of South America is no different (Tinoco, 2005). Ecuador has been affected by the high immigration of citizens of the countries of the region; such as Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba. This effect is impossible to stop, it is clear that the Constitution of 2008 is inclusive and it is the duty of the public function to propose ways that allow to welcome in a respectful way people who are in a state of vulnerability or who feel that in their country hope there is no longer a better life.

It is a priority that public institutions assume a more active role in favor of society, the comfort of their seats has caused their functions to be carried out only at desks and their work is not appreciated in the streets, where the common citizen operates. As of 2018, the public higher education system in Ecuador, in relation to the Higher Technological Institutes, assumes a unique role thanks to art. 118 of the LOES, despite all the infrastructure problems and with a slow accreditation process in tow, 186 institutions gradually expanded their academic offerings, educating high school graduates and young people who wish to obtain a short and quality career. These institutions belong to the higher education system and are regulated by the Organic Law of Higher Education (LOES, 2010), this law determines the rights, guarantees, obligations and legal actions (LOES, 2010) “Third higher technical-technological level, oriented to development of the abilities and skills related to the application, adaptation and technological innovation in processes related to the production of goods and services; correspond to this level the professional titles of superior technician, superior technologist or its equivalent university superior technologist or its equivalent”.

Thus, the degrees awarded by higher education institutes acquired the third level and can access a category that allows them to achieve a better job with higher remuneration. In this context, quality in education plays a key role, competition begins to be evident among public support institutes to attract more and more students, in this regard, educational models, pedagogical models, research projects and programs are of utmost importance. and training, as well as its agreements and institutions that support its work. Everything that gives you a plus, as well as the other activities that make these institutions have a reputation in the educational environment.

It becomes evident then, that the brand of each of the educational institutions, both public and private, must work in addition to the academic standard, also under the advertising scheme, in order to achieve recognition in the educational market, all this with the intention that the young bachelor, when selecting an educational institution to continue their higher studies, choose the career they aspire to achieve from all the authorized institutions. Then, one of the most relevant indicators in education is put on the table, which is educational quality, and that could guarantee the student to obtain the skills they need to perform in any business environment.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Business Practices: Activities that facilitate student learning in commercial environments.

Educational Model: High-level academic structure that allows an institution to achieve the expected quality.

Challenge Chair Director: Teacher in charge of the challenge chair, a subject of the structuring nucleus in each of the levels established in the career mesh.

Business Strengthening: Transformation of business problems into advantages.

Challenge Chair: Subject or structuring element of the mesh that corresponds to a particular level.

Satisfaction Survey: Document that collects the sentiment of employers regarding the work carried out by the ISTG.

Professional Problems: Negative aspect of companies and that ISTG students are prepared to provide a solution.

Challenge: Impulse or action that students take to finish a problem in their profession that I identify in the company.

Annexes: Formats that appear according to the challenge project process continues, document that gives continuity to the challenge process.

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