Romania: A Destination for Slow Seekers

Romania: A Destination for Slow Seekers

Liliana Nicodim, Puiu Nistoreanu
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1423-8.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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An important component of the anthropic resource category, slow, is represented by the gastronomic component, namely through ethno-cultural events organized throughout the country. As a result of the research, the authors learned that a wide range of festivals and events are organized on the territory of Romania that are promoting the traditional products specific to the different regions. These constitute the main ways to promote tourism for the areas in which they occur. The authors found that Romanian tourists are eager to know their country and that is why these manifestations have real success. Wine-related resources form a real promotional tool for slow current and especially for and slow food. The presence of these resources fits perfectly between two important components of slow movement, namely slow tourism and slow food. The authors, therefore, have a moving part and a feeding component that when combined give to the tourist products of a much greater value than if there was a tourist product for each component.
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Introduction To The Slow Food Movement

The movement was been officially established in Paris in 1989. Among the reasons for establishing this movement we can mention: counteract the rise of fast life, to stop the disappearance of local food and traditions, combat the decreasing interest of people in the quality of food that they eat (SlowFood, 2015). Going slow it is seen as the only way to go forward as the capitalist system of thinking does not recognized that there are limits to growth (Botta, 2016). Slow Food Movement is aimed at sustainability of gastronomy and at sharing cultural values (Erdogan, 2016, p. 242). Matchar considers that Slow movement offer connection to local tradition, offer a more fulfilling and reflective life (Matchar, 2013). And this aspects determine tourist to choose activities that are different to those at home when choosing destinations that promote/offers products specific to Slow Food or to Slow tourism (Lee, et al., 2015). People who travel for Slow Food destinations see this as a social interaction, as a self – development activity (Lee, et al., 2014). Czarniawska affirms that to produce slow food dishes needs time and it is hard for people to consume this kind of dishes during the week. They tend to eat them especially on weekends or during holidays (Czarniawska, 2013, p. 11).

In the center of Slow Food Movement stay three principles, according to the “Slow Food Manifesto for Quality” stay: good, clean and fair. Good comes from quality, flavorsome and healthy food. Clean means a production process that doesn’t do harm to the environment. Fair comes from good prices both for consumers and for producers (Slow Food Movement, 2015). The Slow Food Organization it is funded and supported by the European Commission, with which it is working on the developing of a common Agricultural Policy. Slow Food it is seen as a way to boost agriculture and tourism sectors. The tourism stakeholders should promote good, clean and fair diets through acquaintances and public relation materials according to (Kim, et al., 2019, p. 15). The logo of the movement is Snail and according to Dasa the collective philosophy of the movement is to preserve and support traditional ways of life (Dasa, 2014, pp. 71-72). This movement encourage people to cooperate and to provide better services for people and for tourist in special (Virtue, 2017).

The first congress of the movement had been held in Venice in 1990. Over the time, there have been a series of important events, which marked the short but rich existence, of this international movement. Among these events, the authors mention:

  • The creation of Slow Food Germany in 1992 was followed by the creation of Slow Food Switzerland in 1993;

  • In 1996 the first International Salon “Salone del Gusto” takes place in Turin;

  • Slow Food USA is created in 2000;

  • In 2004, the first edition of “Terra Madre” takes place;

  • In 2007, the 5th International Slow Food Congress is held in Puebla, Mexico, with over 600 delegates;

  • In 2008 Carlo Petrini is named “one of the 50 people who can save the planet” by the newspaper “The Guardian”;

  • The Slow Europe campaign was launched in 2011, which called for European policies to promote sustainability, biodiversity and support for small farmers;

  • In 2012, the founder of the Carlo Petrini movement holds a speech at the United Nations Committee for Internal Affairs from New York;

  • The ESSEDRA (Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of Rural Areas) project was launched in 2013. The project aimed at creating a map of Balkan specific foods;

  • Also, in 2013, Carlo Petrini receives the United Nations’ greatest environmental award, namely “Champions of the Earth”;

  • In 2019 there are more than 160 member-countries of this movement.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Oenology: The science of wine and winemaking.

Slow-Food Movement: A movement that advocates for the preservation of local culinary traditions and for respecting the act of “eating”.

Gastronomy: Is a term used in the culinary field, to define almost everything, from fine dining experiences to specific studies on the chemical handling of food.

Viticulture: Is the cultivation of grapes; there are several varieties of grapes.

Slow-Food (Concept): Implies that the food must taste good, it must be produced in a clean manner that does not harm the environment, animals and human health, and producers must receive fair compensation for their work.

Cooking: Is the art, technology, science, and profession of preparing food for consumption. It is made both by people in their own homes, as well as by professional chefs and chefs in restaurants and other food establishments.

Vinification (Vinification): Represents the production of wine, starting with the selection of the fruit, its fermentation in alcohol and the bottling of the finished liquid.

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