The Usefulness of ICT in Education During the Lockdown for COVID-19: Asian Perspective

The Usefulness of ICT in Education During the Lockdown for COVID-19: Asian Perspective

Musa Midila Ahmed
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8402-6.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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Digital literacy through integration of information and communication technology (ICT) into the education systems is globally gaining popularity. Nowadays, schools use diverse ICT tools to create, update, store, communicate, as well as manage information. The purpose of this chapter is to identify the usefulness of ICT in the education system during the lockdown for COVID-19 globally. The study covers innovative use of ICT in teaching and learning, accessibility, and quality of education, as well as learners' academic performance during the COVID-19 lockdown. Making use of the technology improves accessibility as well as quality of education during the COVID-19 lockdown. ICT eliminates the need for physical interaction between educators and learners by creating virtual learning environment. Learners can take courses online with the cost far cheaper than the physical learning environment. ICT promotes learners' motivation and engagement by facilitating the shift to learner-centred methods.
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1. Introduction

Education is the systematic process of transmission or acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits, especially in schools, colleges or universities. It is a body of knowledge acquired through enlightening experience. It means education does not only take place in schools, colleges or universities but in families, communities or places of work. Education aims to prepare mankind for the challenges of life as well as the acquisition of powerful characters that can change the world. The importance of education to learners include professional career development, interpersonal relationship, and sound moral standards. Education is one of the necessities of the human being for providing solutions to problems both locally and globally. Furthermore, education is the key to a successful future generation.

The three vital elements of the education process are the instructor, the learner and teaching strategies. The instructor plays a vital role in educating learners by creating a conducive learning environment, mentor and nurturing learners. The instructor serves as the role model for the learners as well as observe learners behaviours for any sign of trouble in learners to look into the problem. The learners take an active role in the learning process by taking all necessary actions to achieve academic success. In another word, it is the responsibility of the learners to take actions that leads to their successful educational goals. This includes preparing to attend instruction, completing assignments, reading and abiding by all rules and regulations. The main goal of teaching strategies is to enhance the effectiveness of learning. Although, learning effectiveness depends on so many factors such as conducive learning environment, learners’ motivation, interactions, cooperation, knowledge of the subject matter, etc. However, the lockdown of COVID19 in ASIAN perspectives exposed the education systems vulnerable to some of these factors.COVID19 is a new worldwide disease caused by the coronavirus. Consequently, the COVID19 pandemic revolutionized digital and online education in ASIA.

The outbreak of COVID19 started at Wuhan in China spreads worldwide across many countries. The virus is spread by direct contact with respiratory droplets through coughing and/or sneezing of an infected person as well as through touching contaminated surfaces and touching a person’s nose, eye or mouth. The WHO directed that precautionary measures including the closure of schools in ASIA and worldwide to prevent the spread of COVID19. To minimize disruption of academic calendars, educational settings globally utilize ICT as a powerful supportive tool by creating a virtual learning environment. Any crisis such as the COVID19 pandemic presents an opportunity for preparation to handle future occurrences.

The use of ICT in educational systems during the coronavirus lockdown is enormous. Educational institutions suspended their face-to-face operations to prevent the spread of the disease. This emergency necessitates sudden migration to electronic learning by educational institutions. A study by Ikedia (2021) discussed how Japanese instructors utilized ICT for lesson delivery. Similarly, Li (2021) invested in the recent adoption of ICT for more teaching in China during the COVID19 emergency. The study is based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) as well as the technological pedagogical and content knowledge conceptual framework. The survey shows that Chinese teachers were ready for remote instruction during the unprecedented period of the pandemic. The author recommends ICT training and awareness as well as technological preparedness for such a crisis.

According to Abdullah (2020), the COVID19 pandemic revolution has dramatically transformed the Malaysian higher education system. Teachers and students both strived to embrace the new technology-driven instruction in Malaysian higher educational institutions. The countries ministry of higher education (MOHE) motivated instructors and other stakeholders with incentives or efficient implementation of educational programs to ensure a smooth migration. Also, Al-Baadani (2020) reported that the social distance and self-isolation need during the corona virus pandemic necessitated the suspension of educational activities in higher educational institutions (HEIs) and universities in Yemen. These exposed lots of weaknesses such as inadequate internet connections as well as other resources needed to cope with the inevitable change.

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