Transition From Outcome-Based Learning to Global Accreditation of Top Universities of India: Elevating the Bar of Educational Excellence

Transition From Outcome-Based Learning to Global Accreditation of Top Universities of India: Elevating the Bar of Educational Excellence

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1698-6.ch019
(Individual Chapters)
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In recent years, higher education in India has undergone significant changes, transitioning from traditional outcome-based learning to prioritizing international accreditation for top universities. This shift is part of a larger effort to elevate teaching standards, foster innovation, and promote global collaboration. While rote learning was previously prevalent, it produced graduates with strong theoretical foundations but often lacked practical skills and global perspectives essential in today's interconnected world. Despite the positive shift to international accreditation, challenges remain, necessitating more robust faculty development programs to meet rigorous standards. Graduates from accredited universities are better equipped to address global challenges and remain committed to lifelong learning. Global accreditation will continue to shape the future of education as the world progresses and interconnects.
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The demand for specialized education grows as the world's population and level of development rise (Vinoliya, 2017). The term “pedagogical knowledge” describes the conceptual and normative elements of teaching and learning that aim to guide a teacher's decision-making concerning students, teaching, and learning (Milewski, 2022).

A recognized certifying body or organization that operates on a global scale and recognizes and certifies educational institutions, programs, or degrees is referred to as a global accrediting body (Khan et al., 2023). Institutions that want to show that they are dedicated to upholding strict standards of academic excellence, integrity, and constant progress can choose to apply for accreditation.

Graduates look for employment that fits their qualifications, just as employers look for candidates who match certain requirements. Currently, paper certificates, diverse university management systems that record learned outcomes, and business information systems that record necessary credentials are the main tools used to govern this market (Najjar et al., 2010). One of the most important aspects for the academic, social, and political advancement of a nation is the globalization of higher education. India's higher education system will probably keep developing in the future. To make sure that Indian graduates are adequately prepared for the opportunities and difficulties of the globalized world, collaborations with overseas universities, online education, and experiential learning opportunities will play a crucial role (Kumaravelu & Suresh, 2021; Khan & Magd, 2023; Magd et al., 2023).

The creation of top-notch curricula and programs is one of the primary ways that HEIs increase educational excellence. They ought to give students well-organized, current, and pertinent courses that teach fundamental knowledge and abilities (Ligori et al., 2022). HEIs are able to modify their programs to satisfy the needs of a job market that is changing quickly and to incorporate new disciplines of study (Saleem et al., 2023). Excellence in education is fostered when curriculum is created to promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and a broad knowledge foundation.

Given that one of the main goals of the project is to make sure that the approach to quality assurance has an impact while not being unduly time- or paperwork-demanding, special attention has been devoted to the framework's scope (Clark et al., 2015). The emphasis is on action and value addition for faculty, students, and the programs under consideration, in other words.

International accrediting bodies hold educational institutions responsible for the caliber of instruction they deliver. Institutions are thoroughly evaluated by accrediting organizations to make sure they adhere to predetermined requirements (Khan et al., 2023). This inspection protects against poor instruction and dishonest business practices. Institutions are more likely to uphold strict academic standards and moral behavior when they are aware that an impartial body will hold them accountable (Naim et al., 2019).

It aims to inform institutional planning and action at the national and international levels, as well as highlight the role of individuals in changing the field of health professions education (Shaw et al., 2021). Accreditation and assessment of engineering education must be prioritized in order to retain a quality workforce in professional engineering (Memon et al., 2009). As a result, engineering education would be encouraged for socioeconomic growth at all levels.

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