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What is Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum

Technology Road Mapping for Quantum Computing and Engineering
A noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) processor contains 50 to a few hundred qubits, but are neither sufficiently advanced nor large enough to profit sustainably from quantum supremacy. This term describes the current state of the art in quantum processor fabrication. The term 'noisy' refers to quantum processors that are very sensitive to their environment and may lose their quantum state due to quantum decoherence. During the era of NISQ, quantum processors are not advanced enough to continuously use quantum error correction.
Published in Chapter:
A Taxonomy of Quantum Computing Algorithms: Advancements and Anticipations
Lopamudra Hota (National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India) and Prasant Kumar Dash (C. V. Raman Global University, India)
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9183-3.ch004
Quantum computing exploits quantum-mechanical principles such as entanglement and superposition to offer significant computational advantages over conventional classical computing. Many complex and computationally challenging problems are expected to be solved by quantum computing in a number of fields, such as data science, industrial chemistry, smart energy, finance, secure communications, and many others. In order to understand the current status of quantum computing and identify its challenges, a systematic review of the existing literature will be valuable. An overview of quantum computing literature and its taxonomy is presented in this chapter. Further, the proposed taxonomy aims to identify research gaps by mapping various related studies. There is a detailed analysis of quantum technologies with the most current state of the art. Finally, the chapter presents a highlight of open challenges and future research directions.
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