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Halal-Tayyiban and Sustainable Development Goals: A SWOT Analysis
Volume 13
Guest Editorial Preface
For Volume 13, Issue 2
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Mohammad Nabil Almunawar, Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos
Published: Apr 15, 2022
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.298000
Volume 13
Niken Aninda, Etikah Karyani
This study aims to analyze the effect of supply chain digitization on operational performance and new revenue streams. Data were collected from 123 companies or 492 observations. The samples are... Show More
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Aninda, Niken, and Etikah Karyani. "Supply Chain Digitalization and Operational Performance." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-16.


Aninda, N. & Karyani, E. (2022). Supply Chain Digitalization and Operational Performance. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-16.


Aninda, Niken, and Etikah Karyani. "Supply Chain Digitalization and Operational Performance," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-16.

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Published: Jul 2, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.20220701.oa1
Volume 13
Sutan Emir Hidayat, Khairunnisa Musari
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is leading the development of global halal trade and has the opportunity to become a leader in the global halal supply chain, especially in global... Show More
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Hidayat, Sutan Emir, and Khairunnisa Musari. "ASEAN Towards a Global Halal Logistics Through the Digitally Enabled Community." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-15.


Hidayat, S. E. & Musari, K. (2022). ASEAN Towards a Global Halal Logistics Through the Digitally Enabled Community. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-15.


Hidayat, Sutan Emir, and Khairunnisa Musari. "ASEAN Towards a Global Halal Logistics Through the Digitally Enabled Community," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-15.

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Published: Oct 1, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.20220701.oa2
Volume 13
Anuphak Saosaovaphak, Chukiat Chaiboonsri, Satawat O. Wannapan
Based on real situations that mankind is confronting with the difficult era; insufficiency in food supplies, natural disasters, epidemic, etc. The paper is to econometrically compute portfolio... Show More
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Saosaovaphak, Anuphak, et al. "The Perspective of Balancing the Economic Growth of Healthcare Systems and Environmental Prevention: The Efficient Budget for ASEAN-3 Countries." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-26.


Saosaovaphak, A., Chaiboonsri, C., & Wannapan, S. O. (2022). The Perspective of Balancing the Economic Growth of Healthcare Systems and Environmental Prevention: The Efficient Budget for ASEAN-3 Countries. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-26.


Saosaovaphak, Anuphak, Chukiat Chaiboonsri, and Satawat O. Wannapan. "The Perspective of Balancing the Economic Growth of Healthcare Systems and Environmental Prevention: The Efficient Budget for ASEAN-3 Countries," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-26.

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Published: Jul 2, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.20220701.oa3
Volume 13
Simin Ghavifekr, Seng Yue Wong
Education 4.0 is the answer to the global needs for the advanced integration of humans and technology. Leading school’s technology utilization can be the way forward to support education 4.0... Show More
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Ghavifekr, Simin, and Seng Yue Wong. "Technology Leadership in Malaysian Schools: The Way Forward to Education 4.0 – ICT Utilization and Digital Transformation." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-18.


Ghavifekr, S. & Wong, S. Y. (2022). Technology Leadership in Malaysian Schools: The Way Forward to Education 4.0 – ICT Utilization and Digital Transformation. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-18.


Ghavifekr, Simin, and Seng Yue Wong. "Technology Leadership in Malaysian Schools: The Way Forward to Education 4.0 – ICT Utilization and Digital Transformation," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-18.

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Published: Jul 12, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.20220701.oa4
Volume 13
Lim Sanny, Tita Dwi Julianto, Serafim Savionus, Beni Widarman bin Yus Kelena
The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the two categories of sales promotional tools (monetary and non-monetary) on purchase intention with the consideration of consumers’... Show More
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Sanny, Lim, et al. "Purchase Intention in the Fashion Industry on Local and International E-Commerce in Indonesia." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-12.


Sanny, L., Julianto, T. D., Savionus, S., & Kelena, B. W. (2022). Purchase Intention in the Fashion Industry on Local and International E-Commerce in Indonesia. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-12.


Sanny, Lim, et al. "Purchase Intention in the Fashion Industry on Local and International E-Commerce in Indonesia," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-12.

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Published: Jul 23, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.20220701.oa5
Volume 13
Siti Fatimahwati Pehin Dato Musa, Khairul Hidayatullah Basir, Edna Luah
This paper intends to explore the development of agriculture in to smart farming and how smart farming can contribute to the sustainable development goals. The paper focuses on how smart farming can... Show More
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Musa, Siti Fatimahwati Pehin Dato, et al. "The Role of Smart Farming in Sustainable Development." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-12.


Musa, S. F., Basir, K. H., & Luah, E. (2022). The Role of Smart Farming in Sustainable Development. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-12.


Musa, Siti Fatimahwati Pehin Dato, Khairul Hidayatullah Basir, and Edna Luah. "The Role of Smart Farming in Sustainable Development," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-12.

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Published: Jun 17, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.20220701.oa6
Volume 13
Mohd Syaiful Rizal Abd Hamid, Nor Ratna Masrom, Nur Athirah Binti Mazlan
IR 4.0 is a new phase for the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing industry that focuses on cloud computing, interconnectivity, the Internet of Things, machine learning... Show More
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Hamid, Mohd Syaiful Rizal Abd, et al. "The Key Factors of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in the Malaysian Smart Manufacturing Context." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-19.


Hamid, M. S., Masrom, N. R., & Mazlan, N. A. (2022). The Key Factors of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in the Malaysian Smart Manufacturing Context. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-19.


Hamid, Mohd Syaiful Rizal Abd, Nor Ratna Masrom, and Nur Athirah Binti Mazlan. "The Key Factors of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in the Malaysian Smart Manufacturing Context," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-19.

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Published: Aug 11, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.20220701.oa7
Volume 13
Muhammad Azmi Sait, Muhammad Anshari
This exploratory study aims to assess and investigate Brunei Darussalam’s readiness in developing and applying big data technologies for its public and private sectors, using Social, Technological... Show More
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Sait, Muhammad Azmi, and Muhammad Anshari. "Assessing Brunei Darussalam Public and Private Sector Readiness Towards Big Data Application." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-22.


Sait, M. A. & Anshari, M. (2022). Assessing Brunei Darussalam Public and Private Sector Readiness Towards Big Data Application. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-22.


Sait, Muhammad Azmi, and Muhammad Anshari. "Assessing Brunei Darussalam Public and Private Sector Readiness Towards Big Data Application," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-22.

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Published: Sep 15, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.20220701.oa8
Volume 13
Wen-Jing Suo, Chai-Lee Goi, Mei-Teh Goi, Adriel K. S. Sim
This study aims to identify the factors which affect the consumers’ behavioural intention to adopt the Quick response code (QR-code) mobile payment. This study extends the Unified Theory of... Show More
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Suo, Wen-Jing, et al. "Factors Influencing Behavioural Intention to Adopt the QR-Code Payment: Extending UTAUT2 Model." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-22.


Suo, W., Goi, C., Goi, M., & Sim, A. K. (2022). Factors Influencing Behavioural Intention to Adopt the QR-Code Payment: Extending UTAUT2 Model. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-22.


Suo, Wen-Jing, et al. "Factors Influencing Behavioural Intention to Adopt the QR-Code Payment: Extending UTAUT2 Model," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-22.

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Published: Sep 28, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.20220701.oa9
Volume 13
Pg Siti Rozaidah Pg Hj Idris, Siti Fatimahwati Pehin Dato Musa, Wardah Hakimah Hj Sumardi
The purpose of this SWOT analysis study is to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in incorporating the concept of Halal-Tayyiban alongside the Sustainable Development Goals... Show More
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Idris, Pg Siti Rozaidah Pg Hj, et al. "Halal-Tayyiban and Sustainable Development Goals: A SWOT Analysis." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-16.


Idris, P. S., Musa, S. F., & Sumardi, W. H. (2022). Halal-Tayyiban and Sustainable Development Goals: A SWOT Analysis. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-16.


Idris, Pg Siti Rozaidah Pg Hj, Siti Fatimahwati Pehin Dato Musa, and Wardah Hakimah Hj Sumardi. "Halal-Tayyiban and Sustainable Development Goals: A SWOT Analysis," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-16.

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Published: Jul 16, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.20220701.oa10
Volume 13
Aristo Surya Gunawan, Ati Cahayani
Industry 4.0 brings a challenge in terms of labor reduction. However, there is an opportunity in job creation for the creative industry/economy. The creative economy in Indonesia shows an... Show More
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Gunawan, Aristo Surya, and Ati Cahayani. "Do Demographic Variables Make a Difference in Entrepreneurial Leadership Style?: Case Study Amongst Micro and Small in Creative Economy Entrepreneurs in Jakarta, Indonesia." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-6.


Gunawan, A. S. & Cahayani, A. (2022). Do Demographic Variables Make a Difference in Entrepreneurial Leadership Style?: Case Study Amongst Micro and Small in Creative Economy Entrepreneurs in Jakarta, Indonesia. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-6.


Gunawan, Aristo Surya, and Ati Cahayani. "Do Demographic Variables Make a Difference in Entrepreneurial Leadership Style?: Case Study Amongst Micro and Small in Creative Economy Entrepreneurs in Jakarta, Indonesia," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-6.

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Published: Oct 15, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.289825
Volume 13
Phung Anh Thu, Thai Hong Thuy Khanh
Audit plays an important role in maintaining and issuing high-quality financial statements. This article investigates the factors that can affect auditor choice in developing countries. The authors... Show More
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Thu, Phung Anh, and Thai Hong Thuy Khanh. "Determinants of Auditor Choice in Non-Financial Listed Firms on the Vietnamese Stock Market." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-17.


Thu, P. A. & Khanh, T. H. (2022). Determinants of Auditor Choice in Non-Financial Listed Firms on the Vietnamese Stock Market. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-17.


Thu, Phung Anh, and Thai Hong Thuy Khanh. "Determinants of Auditor Choice in Non-Financial Listed Firms on the Vietnamese Stock Market," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-17.

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Published: Oct 15, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.289650
Volume 13
Mohamad Oki Ramadhana, Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo, Biakman Irbansyah, Yanki Hartijasti
In the past two decades, the number of cross-border mergers and acquisitions in ASEAN has progressively expanded as the region has become a desired economic market for trade and investment.... Show More
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Ramadhana, Mohamad Oki, et al. "Building Acquisition Management Capability to Improve Firm Performance in Acquisitions: An ASEAN Context." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-20.


Ramadhana, M. O., Adioetomo, S. M., Irbansyah, B., & Hartijasti, Y. (2022). Building Acquisition Management Capability to Improve Firm Performance in Acquisitions: An ASEAN Context. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-20.


Ramadhana, Mohamad Oki, et al. "Building Acquisition Management Capability to Improve Firm Performance in Acquisitions: An ASEAN Context," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-20.

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Published: Sep 15, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.287588
Volume 13
Kannapat Kankaew, Ekachat Tansiri, Rojanard Waramontri, Nisara Paethrangsi, Korawin Kungwol, Bussaba Sitikarn, Kanittha Charernit
This paper explores the ideas, and cases based on research that emanate from the application of the contingency theory, resource-based views theory, and the institutional theory to cope with an... Show More
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Kankaew, Kannapat, et al. "Coping With the Changes That Challenge Business and Education Sectors in Thailand 4.0." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-11.


Kankaew, K., Tansiri, E., Waramontri, R., Paethrangsi, N., Kungwol, K., Sitikarn, B., & Charernit, K. (2022). Coping With the Changes That Challenge Business and Education Sectors in Thailand 4.0. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-11.


Kankaew, Kannapat, et al. "Coping With the Changes That Challenge Business and Education Sectors in Thailand 4.0," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-11.

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Published: Sep 15, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.287589
Volume 13
Dedi Mulyadi, Miftachul Huda, Islah Gusmian
This paper is attempted to examine the explanatory approach in dealing with SLE by advancing online learning sources. The systematic approach of searching for the relevant articles on SLE in IR 4.0... Show More
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Mulyadi, Dedi, et al. "Smart Learning Environment (SLE) in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0): Practical Insights Into Online Learning Resources." IJABIM vol.13, no.2 2022: pp.1-23.


Mulyadi, D., Huda, M., & Gusmian, I. (2022). Smart Learning Environment (SLE) in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0): Practical Insights Into Online Learning Resources. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 13(2), 1-23.


Mulyadi, Dedi, Miftachul Huda, and Islah Gusmian. "Smart Learning Environment (SLE) in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0): Practical Insights Into Online Learning Resources," International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) 13, no.2: 1-23.

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