Call for Chapters: Technology-Supported Interventions for Students With Special Needs in the 21st Century


Dr. Xiongyi Liu, Cleveland State University, USA
Dr. Patrick Wachira, Cleveland State University, USA

Call for Chapters

Proposals Submission Deadline: March 15, 2021
Full Chapters Due: April 15, 2021


This book will cover effective assistive modern technologies for overcoming specific challenges encountered by students with special needs and promoting their learning and development, educational attainment, social engagement, self-sufficiency, and quality of life. A significant portion of the book will be devoted to exploring new assistive approaches that take advantage of ground-breaking technological innovations such as smart mobile devices and apps, smart wearable devices, web-based monitoring and support platforms, social media and social networks, massively multi-player online role-playing games, augmented and virtual reality, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence.


This handbook has four objectives: 1) to present an overview of contemporary assistive tools and approaches integrated with digital technologies for students with special needs; 2) to share findings of cutting-edge research on using digital technologies for supporting students with special needs; 3) to provide education and health professionals as well as caregivers with evidence-based digital technology-facilitated tools and strategies for effective diagnosis, treatment, educational intervention, and care of students with special needs; and 4) to identify promising areas and directions for future innovations, applications, and research in assistive technologies for students with special needs in the digital era.

Target Audience

The target audience of this book includes 1) classroom teachers, special educators, educational technologists, intervention specialists, medical professionals, and caregivers of children with special needs; 2) administrators, policy makers, and teacher educators; 3) designers and developers of materials, tools, hardware and software for accommodating special needs; 4) faculty and graduate students interested in assistive technology.

Recommended Topics

___ Assistive technology to accommodate cognitive disabilities (to help with memory, attention, or other challenges in their thinking skills)
___ Assistive technology to support audio/visual information processing (hearing aids, voice recognition programs, close captioning, screen readers/text-to-speech apps, screen enlargement/text magnification apps, automatic page turner)
___Assistive technology to support communication and socialization, or the training of such skills
___Assistive technology to support using computer and mobile devices
___ Assistive technology to support completion of academic work (e.g., graphic organizers and outlining programs/apps for writing) ___ Assistive technology for assessment and testing
___ Assistive technology to support participation in educational activities (e.g., games, group work)
___ Assistive technology for physical education, playing sports and staying physically active
___ Assistive technology for self-care and independent living
___ Mobile devices and mobile apps for learners with special needs
___ Big data, cloud, and Internet of things for learners with special needs
___ Artificial intelligence for learners with special needs
___ Assistive technology for diagnosing and identifying learners with special needs
___ Assistive technology for learners with specific learning disabilities
___ Assistive technology for learners with autism spectrum disorders
___ Assistive technology for learners with mental retardation
___ Assistive technology for learners with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
___ Assistive technology for learners with emotional or behavioral disorders
___ Assistive technology for learners with speech and language disorders
___ Assistive technology for learners with hearing impairments
___ Assistive technology for learners with visual impairments
___ Assistive technology for learners with physical disabilities (e.g., mobility aids and physical modifications in the environments)

Submission Procedure

Potential contributors are invited to submit 1-2 pages chapter proposal (or full chapter draft) outlining the proposed topic and/or issue to be discussed on or before March 15, 2021. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by March 16, 2021 about the status of their proposals and will be sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected on or before April 15, 2021.


This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference," "Business Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This publication is anticipated to be released in 2021.

Important Dates

March 15, 2021 - Proposal submission deadline
April 15, 2021 - Full Chapter Submissions


Dr. Xiongyi Liu

Dr. Patrick Wachira


Computer Science and Information Technology; Education; Medicine and Healthcare
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