A Study of Third-Semester Traditional Chinese Medicine Science Students

Yinuo Wang (Xiamen University Malaysia, Malaysia)
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 52
EISBN13: 9781668498842|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7828-8.ch003
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Pharmacology is an important and compulsory subject for undergraduate traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) science students. However, at this stage, the third semester TCM science students still have some misunderstanding and neglects about pharmacology. The research method was conducted by interviewing four undergraduate TCM science students who had graduated and were planning to gain their next degree in different fields in terms of pharmacology studies methods, application of pharmacology knowledge, and perceptions of pharmacology. The study found third semester undergraduate TCM science students had difficulties in learning pharmacology. However, the use of mnemonics, scenario simulation, literature writing and reading, etc. helped to motivate students and assisted in memorizing relevant knowledge points. Third semester TCM science students should pay attention to the study of pharmacology and find appropriate method in the meantime. In addition, educators and educational institutions are recommended to adjust teaching strategies according to students' status.
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