Building Futures: Using Educational Robots to Teach STEM in a Smart Learning System in Abu Dhabi

Megan Hastie (Al Yasat Private School, UAE)
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 33
EISBN13: 9781522591146|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6136-1.ch002
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As momentum builds around the fourth industrial revolution, it is imperative that schools equip the youth of today to succeed in the workforce of tomorrow. The use of smart learning environments (SLE) is an optimal way to prepare students for the future because the use of innovative technologies and elements allow for greater flexibility, effectiveness and adaption, engagement, motivation, and feedback for the learner. It is envisioned that the “smart” learners of the future will operate in SLE that are contextual, personalized, and seamless. The learning process in the SLE will facilitate their problem solving and promote their intellectual growth as lifelong learners. This study, then, demonstrates how educational robotics can be used by educators to equip students in the UAE for futures in STEM fields of study and work. It is claimed that students who build robots build futures for themselves and their communities: a worthy goal for Emirati students in 2018, The Year of Zayed.
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