Enterprise 2.0 Impact on Company Performance in Developing Countries

Jacques Bughin (McKinsey and Company, Belgium, ECARES, ULB, ECORE (UCL, ULB), Brussels & KUL, Belgium)
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 197
EISBN13: 9781466641082|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2515-0.ch007
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This chapter draws on findings from a unique global survey to analyze how Enterprise 2.0 has been adopted in developing economies and how much it contributes to individual company performance. Two results stand out. While the use of social technologies by companies is gaining momentum, adoption remains patchy and still lags in developed countries. Nevertheless, clear evidence exists that Enterprise 2.0 in developing countries, when used at scale, lifts company performance, especially when integrated into workflows and when companies redefine their processes and operating models through social technologies.
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