Learning and Teaching as Communicative Actions: Broken Window as a Model of Transmedia Game Learning

Scott J. Warren (University of North Texas, USA) and Anjum Najmi (University of North Texas, USA)
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 226
EISBN13: 9781466642676|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2848-9.ch011
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Over the last decade, digital games have become important vehicles to support student learning. One form in particular, transmedia games, have shown a propensity to allow instructors, students, and designers to create learning games inexpensively and rapidly, while showing learning improvements and allowing for rapid change as the need arises. There are two goals for this chapter. The first is to review existing theoretical models of game learning and to provide an overview of a new model called “Learning and Teaching as Communicative Actions.” The second is to give a detailed description of the design process for Broken Window, an alternate reality (AltRG) transmedia game that was developed to support undergraduate learning in a computer applications course.
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