MALAK Technologies Ltd.: A Case of Employee Retention and Talent Management

Niveen Eid (Birzeit University, Palestine) and Lorraine Warren (University of Southampton, UK)
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 39
EISBN13: 9781466659001|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5067-1.ch002
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This case examines a critical and often overlooked organizational and managerial function, the need for effective talent management systems. The issues surrounding employees’ voluntary turnover at a leading Palestinian ICT vendor are explored. Overall, the firm’s culture, leadership, and HR practices were appreciated by the majority of the staff. However, the structure of the organization and a lack of retention strategies were leading to the loss of indispensable IT engineers. Retention strategies in IT organizations might need to be reshaped to accommodate employees’ expectations. Talent development and succession management relevant to all employees should be firmly embedded within the company’s talent management system.
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