Meeting the Realities in Technology Enhanced Learning

Sibitse Mirriam Tlhapane (Tshwane University of Technology, Republic of South Africa) and Sibongile Simelane (Tshwane University of Technology, Republic of South Africa)
Copyright: © 2010 |Pages: 245
EISBN13: 9781609602871|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-749-7.ch013
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The case discusses the challenges of introducing technology-enhanced learning in geographically dispersed learners, most of who are situated in rural areas. These are post-diploma nursing learners with minimal computer literacy. They also have limited or even no access to computers at the university because they attend part time, have full-time jobs and stay far from the university and so cannot even visit computer labs after hours. Despite these challenges, these students end up being motivated to learn computers so that they can access learning material and also use them for lifelong learning. The case also covers computer training, e-applications used, online learning, studies done, partnerships between faculty and the directorate and teaching and learning with technology. The value of simple, cheap technologies like an interactive CD-ROM in initiating students to e-learning and overcoming their bandwidth problems is emphasised, including the gains made from the project. Both staff and managerial challenges are discussed and recommendations are made.
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