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Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for Game-Based Learning in Schools
Soojeong Lee (Kyungnam University, South Korea)
Copyright: © 2013
|Pages: 363EISBN13: 9781466642737|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2848-9.ch017
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This chapter describes the pre-service teacher’s preparation of teaching consumption education to middle school students when using Farmville, a social network-based game. Consumption education is a complex topic, involving principals such as consumers, producers, governments, etc., as well as related abstract concepts such as resource type, the management and distribution of resources, use of consumer information, consumer decision-making, et cetera. Consumer satisfaction varies based on interaction types between each factor. Because of the abstract nature of this discussion, there are many limits to teaching this topic using only theoretical classes. However, students reported that using Farmville was helpful in learning on consumption and related contents, specifically because of its ability to confirm specific results, including stream of resources management, consumption pattern by decision-making process, etc. through the process of giving and receiving resources with peers who participate in a game. Also, students understood the stream of actual market economy and realized the importance of shared consumption as an environmental factor.