Using Comprehensive Observational Data to Improve Reading Instruction: Case Studies of DHH Student Readers

Pamela Luft (Kent State University, USA)
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 145
EISBN13: 9798369312551|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5834-1.ch005
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Reading assessment of deaf and hard-of-hearing students is difficult in that many typical curriculum-based and standardized assessments presume spoken English fluency. This affects not only the test items but also the numerical scores that can result in instructional decisions that are unfairly penalizing. In contract, miscue analysis provides a systematic analysis of an individual's reading performance that is flexible across languages and dialects in identifying skills and needs across the range of skilled and struggling readers. This chapter presents two DHH students' miscue scores, representing communication preferences for listening and spoken English, and American Sign Language. Readers will analyze these data through guided questions to develop insights and understandings about each reader's reading strengths and needs. This highly accurate and detailed analysis is the type that can lead teachers and researchers to better identify the nature of DHH students' reading challenges and provide the instruction that appropriately addresses their needs.
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