Components of Consumer Factor and Its Influence on Attitude of the Student Online Shopping Community: Consumer Factor and Its Influence on Attitude

Components of Consumer Factor and Its Influence on Attitude of the Student Online Shopping Community: Consumer Factor and Its Influence on Attitude

R.Rajendra Kumar
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/IJOM.2018070103
(Individual Articles)
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This research article analyzed the impact of Consumer factors like privacy, security, time saving and convenience and its impact on the attitude of consumers of online shopping. Further, the difference between the variables such as frequency of online shopping, time spent for shopping online, products often purchased during online shopping, value of money spent during shopping, mode of payment preferred and the consumer factors were also identified to ascertain the actual relationship. The research has focused on the student's community as the data set and their views on online shopping were collected through Questionnaire.
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2. Objectives

  • To study the impact of Consumer factors on the Attitude of online shopping consumers (Table 1).

  • To examine the variance between the consumer factors and various dependent variables related to online shopping.

Table 1.
Factors of consumer behavior
Consumer FactorsPrivacy, Security, Time Saving and Convenience.

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