Web 2.0: A Vehicle for Transforming Education

Web 2.0: A Vehicle for Transforming Education

Julia Gooding
DOI: 10.4018/jicte.2008040104
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Web 2.0: A Vehicle for Transforming Education includes practical and accessible overviews of some of the most commonly used and most useful technologies. The article serves as an idea generator, especially for teachers looking for ways to update their courses or to explore new concepts in learning. Technologies once only imagined are now opportunities to be implemented in the classroom. Audio and video conferencing, blogs, podcasts, RSS feeds, social bookmarking, and wikispaces are popular means of communicating in today’s society. However, Web technology is developing at such an exponential rate that even the newest of these technologies, like Web 2.0, may one day soon be a footnote in computer history. Once these newer technologies are better understood and appreciated, educators can evolve their teaching strategies to help their students remain competitive in the global society.

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