Exploring Dependence of Human Resource Management (HRM) on Internet of Things (IoT) and Digital Marketing in the Digital Era

Exploring Dependence of Human Resource Management (HRM) on Internet of Things (IoT) and Digital Marketing in the Digital Era

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8166-0.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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The field of human resource management (HRM) has been impacted by the rise of the internet of things (IoT) in recent years. IoT technology allows for the collection and analysis of data on employee behaviour, performance, and engagement. This data can be used to improve HRM processes such as recruitment, training, and retention. Additionally, IoT technology can be used to improve communication and collaboration between employees and managers. However, there are also concerns about privacy and security when using IoT technology in the workplace. Overall, HRM is becoming increasingly dependent on IoT technology to gather important data and improve processes, but it is important to consider the potential negative impacts and take steps to mitigate them. This chapter has an implication on the organisations of all sizes that may utilise the IoT and digital marketing in strengthening their HRM practices, that shall help them to attract good talent and lead to satisfaction and loyalty among employees.
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1. Introduction

In recent time, inquisitiveness and advancement in the field of technology have improved many folds. In such a circumstance, it can be correct to say that technology is the future of the human race. Out of all the advances in the technology, one such development is Internet of Things (IoT) which has penetrated in various sectors like businesses, human resource management, marketing, manufacturing, healthcare, education, sustainability, entertainment and the list is never-ending. Connecting IoT and Digital Marketing in the context of HRM is essentially a good idea (Venkatesh, 2017; Abdussamad et al., 2022; Mohanty & Mishra, 2020).

The current chapter will include the discussion on how the IoT in digital marketing is impacting Human Resource Management (HRM) both positively and negatively in daily working of organizations. Emphasis will also be made on problems faced by Human Resources of various organizations in tracking customers data for the improvement in the products manufactured and in keeping record of employees by these organizations. The second aspect which will be focused in this chapter will be a discussion on Employment opportunities created and modernized with the introduction of Internet of things (IoT). The benefit of matching job seekers with job providers, with the right type of requirements of both and creating an environment which helps in placing the right person on the right job to make them more employable and taking the benefit of right placement of employees to produce more satisfied customers will be discussed in this chapter (Venkatesh, 2017; Abdussamad et al., 2022; Mohanty & Mishra, 2020). The inferences drawn in this chapter are taken from the secondary source, which was collected from various websites, journals and online resources (Khan & Magd,2021; Kamal et al., 2022).

Thus, the objectives of the chapter are set as follows:

  • To identify the impact of Internet of things (IoT) on Human Resource Management (HRM) in managing the functioning of the organisation

  • To study the role of digital marketing in Human Resource Management (HRM) in the digital era

  • To explore any other benefits and challenges revolving around the Internet of things (IoT) and Digital Marketing (DM)

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