Exploring the Role of Organizational Justice in the Modern Workplace

Exploring the Role of Organizational Justice in the Modern Workplace

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2250-8.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter indicates the relationship between organizational justice and organizational variables; organizational justice and trust; organizational justice and psychological ownership; organizational justice, ethical behavior, and ethical climate; organizational justice and emotion; organizational justice and negative organizational issues; organizational justice and employee turnover intention; organizational justice and burnout; and the importance of organizational justice in the modern workplace. Employees want to work for the fair and ethical organizations and be treated with respect. Organizational justice is an important asset that sustains productivity, profits, and employee morale in the modern workplace and refers to the extent to which employees perceive workplace procedure, interactions, and outcomes to be fair in nature. Enhancing organizational justice should be a priority for organization because it can reduce the incidence of workplace deviance, absence, and disengagement in the modern workplace.
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As the pace of industry and organizations rapidly increases in response to the ever-expanding and competitive markets, the role of the individual worker’s contribution to the workforce has become more critical and the object of scrutiny (Tziner & Sharoni, 2014). Organizational justice is the employee fairness perception toward decisions, policies, and procedures occurred in the workplace (Greenberg, 2006). These perspectives happening among counterparts may bring about positive or negative behaviors in terms of employee workload, job duties, and responsibilities. Colquitt (2001) classified the organizational justice concept with distributive justice (i.e., the outcomes employees gained from their contribution to the organization), procedural justice (i.e., the outputs caused by policies and procedures concerted by the organization), interpersonal justice (i.e., employee evaluations toward supervisor treatments in the sense of courtesy), and informational justice (i.e., the dialog channel judgment happening between employers and managers during the information and feedback transmission).

Niehoff and Moorman (1993) contextualized the distributive justice dimension with different job outcomes (e.g., pay level, work schedule, work load, and job responsibilities). Procedural justice is a strong predictor of organizational trust and commitment, which enhance employees’ motivation to work in favor of the organization (Cohen-Charash & Spector, 2001). Perceived interactional justice mediates the effects of moral leadership and benevolent leadership on trust in supervisors (Wu, Huang, Li, & Liu, 2012). Regarding informational justice, organizations generally collect information before they evaluate employees’ performance (Son & Park, 2016). Niehoff and Moorman (1993) scrutinized procedural justice by referring the formal procedures (e.g., accurate and unbiased information, follower voice, and objection process) and interactional justice.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Burnout: The feeling of physical and emotional exhaustion, due to stress from working with people under difficult conditions.

Behavior: The response of an individual or group to its environment.

Organizational Commitment: The strength of the feeling of responsibility that an employee has toward the mission of the organization.

Perception: The process by which people translate the sensory impressions into the coherent view of the world around them.

Attitude: The way of thinking that affects a person's behavior.

Organizational Justice: The study of the concerns about fairness in the workplace.

Emotion: The complex experience of consciousness and behavior that reflects the personal significance of a thing, an event, or a state of affairs.

Feeling: The overall quality of individual's awareness.

Job Satisfaction: The contentment arising out of interplay of employee's positive feelings toward his or her work.

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