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What is Attitude

Handbook of Research on ICTs and Management Systems for Improving Efficiency in Healthcare and Social Care
Positive or negative feelings toward the information technology.
Published in Chapter:
An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model in Hospital-in-the-Home Units
Eva Martínez-Caro (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain), Juan Gabriel Cegarra-Navarro (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain), and Marcelina Solano-Lorente (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3990-4.ch062
The implementation of a Hospital-in-the-Home Unit (HHU) involves the application of technologies adapted to improve quality of care. The aim of this chapter is to develop a model based on the Technology Acceptance Model, which identifies key success factors for the acceptance of technology systems in HHUs. Qualitative research was carried out in the HHU of a Spanish hospital. Interviews were conducted with the HHU team, the hospital nurse manager, and the medical manager. An extended technology acceptance model is derived from the interviews. While organisational triggers such as accessibility, collaboration, confidentiality, training, and security are the main drivers for perceived usefulness and ease of use; individual processes such as unlearning and openness to address the needs of patients are the main enablers for the participation of practitioners. The results shed light on a possible way for healthcare managers to enhance their subordinates’ acceptance of technologies for HHUs.
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Climate Change Information Sources: Fact-Checking and Attitude
It is the sum of a person's inclinations and sentiments, prejudice or bias, preconceived beliefs, thoughts, fears, dangers, and other topics. It entails a complicated arrangement of evaluative ideas, sentiments, and proclivities toward certain acts.
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Tests to Measure Attention to Diversity Revisited: A New Proposal for Present-Day Spanish Bilingual Schools
Feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this.
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Mobile Technology Acceptance Among Turkish Travelers
It is one of the positive and negative psychological factors of a person affecting the consumer purchase decision process.
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Interoperable Assessment Based on Competency Modelling
The way in which a learner exhibits their knowledge and skill, perhaps categorised using a version of Krathwohl’s taxonomy (Krathwohl and Anderson, 2002).
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Different Type of Residents, Different Type of Attitudes?: The Case of Tourism Development in East Timor
A tendency to respond favourably or unfavourably towards a particular object ( Fishbein & Ajzen, 1974 ).
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Private Labels in Chile: Influential Factors in the Purchase Intention
Thoughts, beliefs, feelings or intentions towards a particular product, service or brand. It is a composite of three elements: cognitive information, affective information and information concerning a consumer's past behavior and future intentions.
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The Use of Online Social Networks in Higher Education and Its Influence on Job Performance
Describes an internal arrangement of the individual in relation to an element of the social world, which guides the conduct they adopt in the presence, real or symbolic, of that element.
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Theory of Planned Behavior and Reasoned Action in Predicting Technology Adoption Behavior
Attitude can be defined as human beings’ personal evaluation or approach towards any course of action. It is derived from personal characteristics.
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The Effect of Packaging Material on Consumer Evaluation and Choice: A Comparison Between Glass and Tetra-Pak in the Olive Oil Sector
The favourable or unfavourable evaluation or appraisal a person has of the object under investigation (a behaviour, an object, a situation, etc.).
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Electronic Gaming in Germany as Innovation in Education
A hypothetical construct that represents an individual’s like or dislike for an item. Attitudes are positive, negative, or neutral views of an “attitude object.” Most attitudes in individuals are a result of observational learning from their environment. In that respect, they are shaped by interactions within the social system.
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Why Rideshare?: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Intention to Use
The organization of beliefs about an object that inclines an individual to act in a certain manner.
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Improving Workforce Education Learning Outcomes: Lessons from Soviet Educator A. S. Makarenko
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STEM Career Interest at the Intersection of Attitude, Gender, Religion, and Urban Education
Attitude toward STEM subjects describes a participant’s favor or disfavor of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics as an academic pursuit.
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Is Sharenting Apart From Bullying?: A Perspective Among Parents Towards Their Social Media Activities
A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways.
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Disrupting Learning of Statistics: Using an Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Create Smart Learning Designs
A way of behaving that reflects feelings or opinions about someone or something.
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An Early Childhood Professional Development Model for Technology Integration: Attending to Internal Barriers
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English as a Medium of Instruction on the Way to Sustainability and Internationalization in Non-English-Speaking Countries
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Factors Affecting the Purchase Intention of Indian Youths: Special Reference to the Textile and Clothing Industry
Attitude is defined as a neurological condition of preparedness” writes Allport (1935) AU85: The in-text citation "Allport (1935)" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. .
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A Conceptual Overview of Consumer Behavior in the Contemporary Developing Nations
A person’s learned consistent evaluation of people or something such as an object, an idea, or issues.
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An Empirical Study about the Use of the Internet and Computer Games among Croatian Children
Presents one of the determining factors in predicting an individuals’ behaviour and it has been defined as positive and negative disposition to behave in certain ways towards some person, groups or objects.
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The Use of Online Social Networks and Its Influence on Job-Related Behavior: The Higher Education Context
Describes an internal arrangement of the individual in relation to an element of the social world, which guides the conduct they adopt in the presence, real or symbolic, of that element.
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Mobile Technologies Course Design: The Use of ICT Skills, Attitudes, and Self-Efficacy in EFL Instructors
Attitude is a manner of acting, feeling or thinking. It is also the tendency to react a situation or concept positively or negatively.
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Merging Explicit Declarations With Implicit Response Time to Better Predict Behavior
A set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviors toward a particular object, idea, person, thing, or event and can have either a positive or negative valence. There are two kinds of attitudes: explicit attitudes that are conscious beliefs and implicit attitudes that are unavailable to self-report or introspection.
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Navigating Mobile Marketing: Unveiling Mobile Game In-App Purchase Intentions of Gen-Ys
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Mothers' Attitudes toward the Use of CALL for Their Children's English Learning: A Focus on Individual Differences
A learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object” ( Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975 , p. 6).
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Technology Adoption, Expectancy Value and Prediction Models
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Saudi Arabia's Female Middle School Mathematics Teachers' Readiness and Attitudes Towards STEM Digital Technology Integration in Classrooms
The development and manifestation of one’s behavior from affective conditioning, cognitive knowledge, and behavioral self-perception inferences from prior actions.
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Soft Skills: An Effortless Interview Strategy for Selecting the Cream of the Crop
Significantly represents an individual’s approach or opinion towards an idea or a situation.
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Comparing PLS-SEM Statistical Technologies for Educating the Importance of Linearity: Attitude Theory Validation in Digital Marketplace
Theories provide insight into how attitudes are formed and how they might lead to changes in behaviour and attitude. Multiple theories explain attitudes, such as the theory of reasoned action, dissonance theory, the theory of individual differences, persuasive theory, conformity theory, balance theory, attribution theory, personal space theory, and learning theory.
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Sustainability Attitudes of Tourism Family Firms in Alpine Tourism Regions
Willingness of an individual to respond to external actions and changes.
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A Corporate Social Capital View on E-HRM Implementation
A summary evaluation of an object captured in such attribute dimension as good-bad, harmful-beneficial, pleasant-unpleasant, and likable-dislikable.
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Integrating a Learning Management System into a Writing Course: Achievement, Attitudes, and Strategies
A learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object” ( Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975 , p. 6).
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How Does Technology Influence Students' Motivation Towards Learning Kiswahili Proverbs?
Tendency to think, feel, or act positively or negatively towards objects in our Environment (like or dislike. clusters of feelings, beliefs and behavior tendencies directed towards a psychological object.
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Innovation-Driven Planned Behaviour Towards Achieving the Wellbeing of the Malaysian SMEs
Attitude refers to the degree to which a person has favourable or unfavourable evaluation or appraisal of the behaviour in question.
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The Perception of the Effect of Tourism on the Local Community before the Ibiza Smart Island Project
Psychological process by which an individual evaluates a particular element in a favorable or unfavorable way based on perceptions and beliefs.
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Student and Faculty Use and Perceptions of Web 2.0 Technologies in Higher Education
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An Investigation of Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students Using the Theory of Planned Behavior and Parents' Occupation
Individuals' beliefs about outcomes or attributes of performing the behavior, weighted by evaluations of those outcomes or attributes.
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A Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on Street Vendors in India: With Reference to Vijayawada City, Andhra Pradesh, India
Attitude may be defined as a learned predisposition to respond to an object in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner.
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Consumers Attitudes towards Debt: Empirical Evidence from Morocco
A person’s learned consistent evaluation of people or something such as an object, an idea or issues.
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Disability Awareness in Teacher Education in Singapore
It is defined as tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor. Attitudes are viewed as socially constructed, and are context and time dependent.
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Attitude toward Private Label Brands: A Model for the Spanish Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Market
Thoughts, beliefs, feelings or intentions towards a particular product, service or brand. It is a composite of three elements: cognitive information, affective information and information concerning a consumer's past behavior and future intentions.
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Factor Influencing the Intention to Use E-Collection System in State-Owned Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria
Is defined as an individual’s positive or negative thinking to evaluate or perform the intended behavior.
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Mindfulness in Education: The Need of the Hour
A particular way of perceiving, thinking, or feeling about something or someone.
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Acceptance of Branded Video Games (Advergames): A Cross-Cultural Study Spain-USA
Attitude is an individual’s positive or negative evaluation of a given object or behavior ( Ajzen, 1991 ) that includes feelings or affective responses. It refers to the individual’s general willingness to engage in a given behavior.
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Investigating Students' Acceptance and Intention to Use Mobile Learning in Moroccan Higher Education
The strength of individual’s feeling of favorableness or un-favorableness toward using mobile learning.
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Teacher Technology Competence Base
The way you think and feel about someone or something, a feeling or way of thinking that affects a person's behavior.
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Exploring Elderly Customer-Employee Rapport in Services: Managerial and Social Implications
A composite of consumers’ evaluations and feelings about an object, person, idea, company, or brand.
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Implementing the EU Key Competences for Active Citizenship Teaching Latin-Italian Literature and Assessing Students
A complex mental state involving personal beliefs, feelings, values and dispositions to think and act in certain ways (inner attitude). The tendential way a person views something or tends to behave towards it (mental attitude).
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The Use of Digital Devices in Marketing Library Products in an Inclusively Engaged Academic Library
A perception, belief, feelings which emanate from personal experiences towards behavioral patterns accrued from observations, environments and cognitive domains. In library context, attitude determines personal behaviors.
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Virtual Reality for Teacher Training: An Experiential Approach to Classroom Conflict Management
A mental and neural state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related.
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Menstrual Untouchability: Socio-Psychological Factors Perpetuating the Social Evil
Way of thinking and feeling towards a person, object or idea which oftentimes determines one’s behaviour towards these.
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Creating Tomorrow's Innovators
A way of thinking or feeling about technology use in the classroom.
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An Overview of the Frameworks for Measuring the Digital Competencies of College Students: A European Perspective
The ‘cognitive and relational capacity’ (e.g., analysis capacity, synthesis capacity, flexibility, pragmatism, etc.) plus the motivation to do something. Skills and knowledge are the main components of competence, whereas attitudes are the glue, binding them together.
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Separate Works, Same Behaviors: Organizational Cynicism in Tourism Businesses
A tendency that organizes the individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to objects, ideas, institutions, events, and other people.
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Persuasive Advergames: Boon or Bane for Children
A settled way of think or feeling about something.
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Challenges Implementing Telemedicine at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
The degree to which an individual has a positive or negative evaluation of a behavior.
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Diving Into the Rabbit Hole: Understanding Delegation of Decisions
A positive or negative predisposition that a person has towards an object, product, brand, or person ( Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980 ; Davis, 1989 ).
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Sustainable Food Consumption Macro Issues: Case Study of Latvian Consumer Behaviour
The way a person views something or tends to behave towards it; depends on knowledge, habits, education.
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Communicating a Professional Image
The way you think and feel about someone or something.
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Applied Competences for Students by Using M-Learning Devices in Higher Education: Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes
According to the Cambridge Dictionaries Online, attitude means: A feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this.
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The Fundamentals of Organizational Citizenship Behavior
A predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively toward a certain idea, object, person, or situation.
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E-Entrepreneurial Intention of Business Students: E-Entrepreneurial Intentions Through EAO model
Attitude is the way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, characteristically one that is reflected in a person's behavior.
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Shared Networks in Technology Education
The degree of affection that one feels about some environmental element.
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Facebook-Based Language Learning: Vietnamese University EFL Students' Attitudes and Practices
This refers to one’s behavior’s course and persistence, and it consists of three main components, namely cognitive, affective and behavioral attitudes.
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Use of STEM Intervention Teaching Scenarios to Investigate Students' Attitudes Toward STEM Professions and Their Self-Evaluation of STEM Subjects
A positive or negative feeling toward a particular subject or object (e.g., STEM education, Information and Communication Technologies).
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Consumer Behaviour in Developing Nations: A Conceptual Overview
A person’s learned consistent evaluation of people or something such as an object, an idea or issues.
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Faculty Use and Perceptions of Web 2.0 in Higher Education
The degree to which an individual favors a particular behavior (Ajzen, 1991).
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Validating the Potency of Attitude in Predicting Intention to Purchase Non-Deceptive Counterfeit Branded Products
Attitude may be defined as a learned predisposition to respond to an object in a consistently favourable or unfavourable manner.
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Assessing Together the Trends in Newspaper Topics and User Opinions: A Co-Evolutionary Approach
A person’s or a group of person’s feelings towards a subject. Attitudes have an impact on and are reflected in individual or group behavior.
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Role of Internal and External Values on Green Purchase
Attitude refers to the product of perceived expected outcome and evaluation of the outcome. In simple terms, attitude refers to the dispositions that one learns to respond to any event, stimuli or object in a persistent fashion may be favorably or unfavorably.
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Junior High School Pupils' Perceptions and Self-Efficacy of Using Mobile Devices in the Learning Procedure
A learned predisposition to respond positively or negatively to a specific object, situation, concept, or person.
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The Influence of Storytelling Strategies on Attitude and Purchase Intention
Is an act or behavior of a person in relation to another person, objects, or specific situations.
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Science Animation and Students' Attitudes
The state of mind about anything or anybody.
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Instructor Readiness for Open and Distance Learning in Turkey
Attitude is an approach towards a phenomenon or concept in a positive or negative way.
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The Influence of (Online) Social Networks on Workers’ Attitudes and Behaviours in Higher Education Institutions
Describes an internal arrangement of the individual in relation to an element of the social world, which guides the conduct they adopt in the presence, real or symbolic, of that element.
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The Relationship Between Sales Promotion Activities, Private Label Attitudes, and Purchase Intention
It is one of the factors that are effective in transforming thoughts into behavior.
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What Are Students Saying About AI as an Academic Tool
Attitude in this chapter refers to the disposition, mindset, and emotional stance a student holds towards their learning process, encompassing their beliefs, motivations, perseverance, and receptiveness towards existing and new knowledge (Gu & Wu, 2019).
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The Impact of Knowledge and Attitude of SGB Members Toward Adoption of Social Justice and Democracy: Challenges, Implications, and Opportunities
A person’s inner feelings towards a situation or an idea. The feeling may be either be positive or negative.
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World Heritage Education and the Postdigital Age: Considerations for Reflexive Practice
In educational theory an acquired, individually specific, value-based way of thinking, feeling and acting towards oneself, other people and the world. See also Competence .
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Exploring Teachers' Beliefs About Listening in a Foreign Language
It is “a learned predisposition to respond to an object in a consistently favourable or unfavourable manner” ( Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975 , p.336).
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Adoption of Wearable Technology Devices: A Cross-Cultural Study
Positive or negative tendency of a consumer against a product or service.
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The Making of Creative Cities: Exploring the Role of Sustainable Urban Mobility (SUM)
A term used in psychology refers to people’s views, thoughts, or emotions that might be positive, negative, or neutral about a thing or object.
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Knowledge Management Practices in Temporal Knowledge-Intensive Organizations
Learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with a respect to a given object or state of affairs.
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The Roles of Organizational Justice, Social Justice, and Organizational Culture in Global Higher Education
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Consumer Attitudes toward RFID Usage
Relatively permanent and long-term willingness to react in a consistently cognitive, affective, and conative way.
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