Green Cosmetics: Determinants of Purchase Intention

Green Cosmetics: Determinants of Purchase Intention

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8681-8.ch003
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This study examined the determinants of purchase intention of green cosmetics, and eight semi-structured interviews were performed to identify them. The determinants identified were environmental awareness, lifestyle, willingness to pay, ethical issues and social and economic justice, cosmetic quality, concern with health, certification labels, trust in the brand, and advertising. Environmental awareness, lifestyle, willingness to pay, quality issues, ethics, and social and economic justice, as well as quality expectations, health concerns, and product knowledge, are the most significant determinants in the intention to purchase green cosmetics. Determinants such as certification labels, brand trust, and advertising are less significant. The research is relevant for the cosmetics industry and its brands to adapt their strategy and product offering to meet consumers' needs and increase the consumption of green cosmetics and can also serve as a basis for the development of new quantitative studies on the purchase intention of green cosmetics.
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2. Literature Review

Both quantitative and qualitative research need extensive use of the literature and therefore it is crucial to conduct a literature review to identify and define key constructs, deepen their understanding, and find data collection and analysis techniques that are useful for this research (vom Brocke & Rosemann, 2013). Therefore, a group of constructs and concepts from the literature review that has relevance to this research are described below.

2.1. Environmental Context

Society is significantly impacted by climate change and the contrary is also true. The severity and effects of natural catastrophes are also influenced by societal development and lifestyle choices. As a result, human behavior and their lack of environmental understanding and sensitivity raise concerns about sustainability and human existence (Borrego et al., 2010). Thus, it is imperative to raise public awareness about the need to protect the environment and ensure sustainability, as stated by Romero et al. (2018), since the environmental impact depends on the choices made by consumers in their daily lives, including their choices of consumer products. As a result, it may be possible for people to choose greener products. Despite being conscious of environmental changes, the controversy is that not everyone is aware of the connection between environmental change and individual behavior. Yet, to influence shifts in customers’ purchasing behavior, it is critical to improve consumers’ environmental education and also to raise their understanding (Wijekoon & Sabri, 2021). Pro-environmental behavior may thus be thought of as an action that reduces the adverse effects on the environment. Hence, reducing resource use, energy use, harmful compounds, and waste production are some examples of pro-environmental actions (Kollmuss & Agyeman, 2002). According to Rawof (2021), sustainability refers to the employment of environmentally friendly practices to ensure that resources will be available for future generations. These days, more and more customers are placing a high priority on sustainability. Parallel to this, they begin to give the environment more thought in their decisions and spending patterns, which raises their awareness of and demand for green products (Kahraman & Kazançoğlu, 2019).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Social Influence: Refers to how people affect the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of others. This influence can be intentional or unintentional and may occur in various forms, such as through persuasion, conformity, obedience, or socialization. Social influence can be exerted by individuals, groups, or institutions, and can occur through various channels, such as face-to-face communication, mass media, or social networks.

Green Cosmetics: Also known as eco-friendly cosmetics, they are produced using sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. These products are formulated with natural or organic ingredients that are responsibly sourced, and the manufacturing processes used to produce them are designed to minimize waste and reduce environmental impact. Green cosmetics typically use eco-friendly packaging and avoid the use of harmful chemicals and ingredients that can harm the environment.

Organic Cosmetics: These are cosmetic products made from natural ingredients that are grown and processed without the use of synthetic chemicals or harmful pesticides. These products typically contain high-quality plant-based ingredients such as essential oils, herbs, and botanical extracts that are sustainably sourced and harvested. Organic cosmetics are often marketed as being better for the environment and for personal health, as they are free from potentially harmful chemicals commonly found in non-organic cosmetic products.

Eco-Label: This is a certification or label awarded to products or services that meet specific environmental standards. These labels are intended to provide consumers with information about the environmental impact of a product or service, allowing them to make informed purchasing decisions. Eco-labels may be awarded by third-party organizations or government agencies and may cover a wide range of environmental criteria, such as energy efficiency, carbon footprint, water conservation, and sustainable sourcing.

Natural Cosmetics: These are cosmetic products that are made from naturally occurring ingredients such as plants, minerals, and other organic substances. These products are free from synthetic chemicals and are often minimally processed to retain their natural properties. Natural cosmetics are marketed as being gentle and safe for use on the skin, as they do not contain harsh chemicals that can cause irritation or other adverse effects. However, it is important to note that not all natural ingredients are necessarily safe or effective, so it is important to research and choose products carefully.

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