Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Ethical Social Media Influencer Communication

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Ethical Social Media Influencer Communication

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0912-4.ch017
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This chapter explores the connections between artificial intelligence (AI) and the ethical dimensions of influencer communication on social media. The ethical aspects are evaluated according to the criteria outlined in the Professional Code of Ethics of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). The study reviews the multiple aspects of influencer communication, including emerging challenges and legal implications resulting from the continued development of AI in social media. Furthermore, a dataset was collected from the social media platform Reddit, and a case study analysis was performed using the NodeXL software. This empirical investigation aims to investigate social media users' perspectives on specific ethical concerns associated with integrating artificial intelligence (AI). The findings presented in this chapter provide scholars with an advanced understanding of AI capabilities, offer industry professionals valuable guidance for ethical decision-making, and offer lawmakers guidance for developing regulatory frameworks.
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In the era of digital interconnectivity, social media has seamlessly integrated into the essence of our everyday existence, fundamentally altering how we communicate, establish connections, and navigate through extensive volumes of information. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the main driving force behind the development of social media platforms in this revolutionary environment. The growing need for efficient content management and improved user experiences has driven the development of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. Content recommendation systems and other AI algorithms integrated into social media platforms are crucial for this change. These systems thoroughly examine user preferences, patterns of engagement, and contextual information in order to provide customized feeds and suggest pertinent material. Their flexibility improves user engagement by customizing material to meet individual needs. Moreover, AI explores user sentiments and engagement data, offering vital insights to enhance platforms and tackle problems such as malware or offensive content.

Notwithstanding the significant influence of AI, enduring obstacles and ethical considerations persist. Ongoing challenges arise from issues such as bias in AI tools, the spread of misinformation, and the possibility of unforeseen outcomes. Existing literature on the ethical implications of social media fails to address the ethical integration of AI into social media platforms within a theoretical framework. For example, Davies & Hobbs (2020), Hagelstein et al. (2021), and Hudders et al. (2021) examine the ethical implications of social media influencing within theoretical frameworks, but do not discuss the ethical dimensions of using AI tools in social media influencing. This book chapter seeks to fill this gap by examining the ethical aspects of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into social media, with a specific emphasis on the theoretical framework outlined in the Professional Code of Ethics of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).

The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) has a crucial role in establishing ethical standards and advocating for responsible practices in public relations. PRSA, founded in 1947, is a professional association that advocates for the concerns and interests of communication and public relations experts in several sectors. PRSA is dedicated to promoting the profession and maintaining ethical standards. The PRSA Code of Ethics (Hunt & Tirpok, 1993) serves as a reliable instrument for professionals seeking to address ethical dilemmas with diligence and responsibility effectively. The PRSA Code of Ethics outlines key values and principles essential for maintaining ethical standards within public relations. As a comprehensive guide, it emphasizes the importance of accountability, truthfulness, and openness in communication practices. Furthermore, it underscores the professional obligation to conduct oneself with integrity, transparency, and a steadfast dedication to the welfare of the public. This code serves as more than a set of rules; it acts as a framework for practitioners to ensure ethical conduct in their interactions with various stakeholders. In an era where ethical communication is critical to the success of organizations, the PRSA Code functions as a benchmark to ensure that public relations practitioners uphold the ethical standard of society through the promotion of trust, transparency, and responsible communication methodologies.

The ethical implications of incorporating AI into social media influence are conceptualized within this book chapter using the PRSA Code of Ethics framework. By adhering to the ethical principles delineated in The PRSA Code of Ethics, the following research questions (RQs) seek to investigate the specific ethical aspects of AI integration by social media influencers:

RQ1: How do social media influencers maintain honesty and integrity in their communication practices when integrating AI tools into their content creation, and what impact does this have on audience trust and perception?

RQ2: To what extent do social media influencers openly disclose the use of AI technologies in their content, and how does this transparency influence audience perceptions of authenticity and trustworthiness?

RQ3: How do social media influencers ensure fairness in their AI-influenced content creation, particularly in terms of representing diverse perspectives and avoiding biases that may compromise the public interest?

Key Terms in this Chapter

NodeXL Pro: A social network analysis application that offers valuable insights into the dynamics and structure of user interactions.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Denotes the replication of human intelligence within machines, empowering them to execute duties that conventionally demand human intelligence, including but not limited to decision-making, learning, and problem-solving.

Ethical Considerations: The examination and evaluation of moral principles and values related to influencer communication, with a focus on ensuring responsible and just practices.

Influencer Communication: A procedure by which influencers interact with their followers via social media platforms; includes the creation of content, interaction, and influence on their audience.

Text Analysis: Text analysis, also known as text mining or natural language processing, is extracting meaningful information and insights from written or spoken language. It involves the use of computational methods and algorithms to analyze and interpret large volumes of text data.

Professional Code of Ethics: A collection of principles and guidelines, demonstrated by the code established by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), which prescribes ethical standards for the behavior of professionals within a particular domain.

Social Network Analysis: The investigation of social structures via networks and graph theory constitutes social network analysis. Networked structures are defined by the connections between nodes (representing individual actors, people, or objects within the network) and ties, edges, or links (representing relationships or interactions).

Empirical Analysis: The use of real-world data and observations to draw conclusions and insights.

Regulatory Frameworks: Legislative entities or governing bodies establish rules and guidelines with the objective of overseeing and controlling the ethical utilization of artificial intelligence and influencer communication practices.

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