This study advances the findings that political party social media adaptation and social media attention have contributed to the election campaigning in North Cyprus. The 2018 general election success could be understood by looking deeply into the social media attention of political parties and electorates. While the sample that has been chosen for this study shows different patterns in their content of the social media shares, it is true to say that this study put an emphasis on the elements of political ads through social media account. The findings show that political parties in North Cyprus have communicated through social media, especially in horse-race periods compared with the other periods.
In communication studies, election campaigning changes and evolution to modern election campaigning is demanding new researches. Growing literature on the related sub-topics of political communication, which various studies have been addresses in the literature often based on the democratization process of election campaigning. To improve the democratic election campaigning process and new election campaigning, political advertising, spin doctors, and political branding became a comprehensive trend in this growing volume of literature (Kinder & Sears, 1985, p. 682). Thus, the parallelism with western democratic systems, the tactics that is developed by political strategists and mediatisation methods started to be recognized among other countries. Related with the modern election campaigning modern media systems where the mediatisation of politics has produced connection with the developments in political communication (Strömback, 2008). There are consequences of the demonstration of new communication technology for democracy and the 2013 Turkish-Cypriot election has been the first “Twitter and Facebook General Election” (Ciftci, 2015). Growing political reflection on political parties’ actions during the election periods and other periods as well, social media have been proclaimed for the citizens’ reactions of prior unengaged citizens. The extreme media hype and e-democracy concerns started to be hot topics for digitalization of political communication (Chadwick, 2006). Nevertheless, during 2008 Obama US presidential campaign, the strong employment of social media eventually raised the profile of social media applications put forward the exposure and electoral success are thought over closely associated. The last week of the election period has vital importance (Harrop, 1987), this particular importance of election week spectacles that an enormous number of voters mind to mark their final choices.
On the other hand, some scholars and political scientists are not persuaded of the prolonged role of the media and social media in election periods. Conflicting research results and opposing views have confirmed diverse assumptions on mass media effects. The research on political campaigning and elections shows that media’s role in the mid-20th century was restricted (Berelson, et al., 1954; Lazarsfeld, et al., 1944), whilst selective use of information and interpersonal relations were quite high. The spread of television has changed the media atmosphere dramatically and media started to have a central role in campaigning.
The well-formed campaign strategies are necessary to be able to keep election turnout high since the election periods are usually seen the horse race. During the European Parliamentary referendum and election campaigns, rather than on possible negative consequences the overall news environment put more emphasis on potential advantages of common EU unifications (Schuck & de Vreese, 2009, p.47-50). One of the things that characterizes today’s political communication is election campaigning. To increase their voters’ rates, almost each organization and party feels the need for campaigning. The campaigning is also important to keep their voter for competing with their opponents. The general belief is that people who attend election campaign activities are most likely those who interested with politics. However, the direct personal campaign engagement not necessarily gives direction to the vote choice but affect turnout positively.
Key Terms in this Chapter
Americanization: Americanization refers to the forms of new election campaigning includes the professionalization of whole political communication.
Agenda-Setting: Agenda-setting is crucial theory that has been often used in political communication studies, which is basically argues the important influential role of the media into the public agenda. The agenda-setting theory introduced by the Max McCombs and Donald Shaw in 1968 in order to express the presidential election period of United States of America.
Political Communication: Political communication is an important field that has been combined different social sciences field, such as political science, psychology, history, etc. Generally speaking, political communication as a subfield of communication studies, which study the whole process of political information spreads among politicians and citizens.
Political Marketing: Political marketing is a promotion process of political communication, where political candidates shares the ideas and promote themselves for voters. Political marketing is a strategic, technical, and crafted version of political communication in order to gain the public support.
Spin Doctoring: Spin doctoring is a trendy terms in political communication, which has mostly used in public relations studies. Spin doctoring refers to forms of propaganda in order to provide election campaigning in the name of persuasion. Spin doctoring favors the public opinion persuasiveness on political figure.
Political Branding: Political branding is subfield of the political marketing in order explain the overall perception of political parties or candidates.
Agenda-Building: Related with the agenda-setting theory, agenda-building theory is a dynamic and continuing process that differentiated groups of certain societies aimed to change or impose their interest should have the priority into public policymakers.