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Changing Digital Age in the Wake of COVID-19: How Does Humility Impact on Virtual Leaderless Teams?
Volume 30
Andrew W. H. Ip, Kris M. Y. Law, B.B. Gupta
Published: Mar 18, 2022
DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.297905
Volume 30
Zhi-Jiang Liu, Elena Panfilova, Alexey Mikhaylov, Anastasia Kurilova
This research reviews challenges in building sustainable relationships between the parties involved in the crowdfunding and crowdsourcing projects, which are running in extreme situations, such as... Show More
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Liu, Zhi-Jiang, et al. "Assessing Stability in the Relationship Between Parties in Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing Projects During the COVID-19 Crisis." JGIM vol.30, no.4 2022: pp.1-18.


Liu, Z., Panfilova, E., Mikhaylov, A., & Kurilova, A. (2022). Assessing Stability in the Relationship Between Parties in Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing Projects During the COVID-19 Crisis. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 30(4), 1-18.


Liu, Zhi-Jiang, et al. "Assessing Stability in the Relationship Between Parties in Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing Projects During the COVID-19 Crisis," Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 30, no.4: 1-18.

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Published: Sep 2, 2022
DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.20220701.oa6
Volume 30
Bhavya Alankar, Harleen Kaur, Shafqatul Ahsaan, Gaurav Sharma, Victor Chang
On 31 December 2019, WHO received inputs of pneumonia cases in Wuhan city of China, but the cause of infection could not be known initially. However, after some time, the medical researchers of... Show More
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Alankar, Bhavya, et al. "Towards Reviewing an Immediate Impact of COVID-19 on the Integrative World Economy: An Evolving Perspective." JGIM vol.30, no.4 2022: pp.1-19.


Alankar, B., Kaur, H., Ahsaan, S., Sharma, G., & Chang, V. (2022). Towards Reviewing an Immediate Impact of COVID-19 on the Integrative World Economy: An Evolving Perspective. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 30(4), 1-19.


Alankar, Bhavya, et al. "Towards Reviewing an Immediate Impact of COVID-19 on the Integrative World Economy: An Evolving Perspective," Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 30, no.4: 1-19.

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Published: Mar 17, 2022
DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.297906
Volume 30
Debesh Mishra, Suchismita Satapathy
The outbreak of COVID-19 has created a major panic among the agricultural sectors as well as the farmers in India owing to its’ transmissions, severity, and a lack of proper treatment methodology.... Show More
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Mishra, Debesh, and Suchismita Satapathy. "The Pandemic COVID-19 and Its Impact on Indian Agricultural Sectors: An Assessment of Farmers." JGIM vol.30, no.4 2022: pp.1-27.


Mishra, D. & Satapathy, S. (2022). The Pandemic COVID-19 and Its Impact on Indian Agricultural Sectors: An Assessment of Farmers. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 30(4), 1-27.


Mishra, Debesh, and Suchismita Satapathy. "The Pandemic COVID-19 and Its Impact on Indian Agricultural Sectors: An Assessment of Farmers," Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 30, no.4: 1-27.

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Published: Mar 17, 2022
DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.297907
Volume 30
Linlin Guo, De-Shui Ma
It has been increasingly common for the government to adopt non-market approaches to manage or interfere with the market during a stock market crisis. Taking Chinese government’s bailout of the... Show More
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Guo, Linlin, and De-Shui Ma. "Can Government Direct Bailout Intervention Relieve the Crisis Sentiment in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic." JGIM vol.30, no.4 2022: pp.1-15.


Guo, L. & Ma, D. (2022). Can Government Direct Bailout Intervention Relieve the Crisis Sentiment in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 30(4), 1-15.


Guo, Linlin, and De-Shui Ma. "Can Government Direct Bailout Intervention Relieve the Crisis Sentiment in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic," Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 30, no.4: 1-15.

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Published: Apr 15, 2022
DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.297908
Volume 30
Danting Zheng, Xianhua Tan, Yuanyuan Zhu, Dongmei Li, Sang-Gyun Na
In today's highly developed world of financial globalization, international capital flows in my country and the entire Asia-Pacific region are gradually increasing. The stock market is an important... Show More
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Zheng, Danting, et al. "Research on the Differences in the Value Correlation of Accounting Data Under the Background of COVID-19: Comparative Evidence From China and Thailand." JGIM vol.30, no.4 2022: pp.1-16.


Zheng, D., Tan, X., Zhu, Y., Li, D., & Na, S. (2022). Research on the Differences in the Value Correlation of Accounting Data Under the Background of COVID-19: Comparative Evidence From China and Thailand. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 30(4), 1-16.


Zheng, Danting, et al. "Research on the Differences in the Value Correlation of Accounting Data Under the Background of COVID-19: Comparative Evidence From China and Thailand," Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 30, no.4: 1-16.

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Published: Nov 10, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.290831
Volume 30
Vincent Cho, Lara C. Roll, C. H. Wu, Valerie Tang
Virtual teams play a crucial role in today’s knowledge-based organisation for overcoming challenges in our dynamic world, especially in the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Teams play a... Show More
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Cho, Vincent, et al. "Changing Digital Age in the Wake of COVID-19: How Does Humility Impact on Virtual Leaderless Teams?." JGIM vol.30, no.4 2022: pp.1-23.


Cho, V., Roll, L. C., Wu, C. H., & Tang, V. (2022). Changing Digital Age in the Wake of COVID-19: How Does Humility Impact on Virtual Leaderless Teams?. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 30(4), 1-23.


Cho, Vincent, et al. "Changing Digital Age in the Wake of COVID-19: How Does Humility Impact on Virtual Leaderless Teams?," Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 30, no.4: 1-23.

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