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International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE)
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Clarivate Impact Factor 1.5

International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE)

This journal converted to Gold Open Access on January 1, 2021
Editor-in-Chief: David D. Carbonara (Duquesne University, USA)
Indexed In: Compendex (Elsevier Engineering Index), INSPEC, PsycINFO®, SCOPUS, Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and 22 more indices
Published: Continuous Volume |Established: 2005
ISSN: 1550-1876|EISSN: 1550-1337|DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE
Latest Published Articles
Published: Aug 22, 2024
DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.352512
Volume 20
Venera Nakhipova, Yerzhan Kerimbekov, Zhanat Umarova, Halil ibrahim Bulbul, Laura Suleimenova, Elvira Adylbekova
This article introduces a novel method that integrates collaborative filtering into the naive Bayes model to enhance predicting student academic performance. The combined approach leverages... Show More
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Nakhipova, Venera, et al. "Integration of Collaborative Filtering Into Naive Bayes Method to Enhance Student Performance Prediction." vol.20, no.1 2024: pp.1-18.


Nakhipova, V., Kerimbekov, Y., Umarova, Z., Bulbul, H. I., Suleimenova, L., & Adylbekova, E. (2024). Integration of Collaborative Filtering Into Naive Bayes Method to Enhance Student Performance Prediction. , 20(1), 1-18.


Nakhipova, Venera, et al. "Integration of Collaborative Filtering Into Naive Bayes Method to Enhance Student Performance Prediction," 20, no.1: 1-18.

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Published: Aug 7, 2024
DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.349899
Volume 20
Jie Zhang
This paper explores the development of an intelligent translation system for spoken English using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) models. The fundamental principles of RNNs and their advantages in... Show More
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Zhang, Jie. "Research on Intelligent Translation System of Spoken English Based on Cyclic Neural Network Model." vol.20, no.1 2024: pp.1-16.


Zhang, J. (2024). Research on Intelligent Translation System of Spoken English Based on Cyclic Neural Network Model. , 20(1), 1-16.


Zhang, Jie. "Research on Intelligent Translation System of Spoken English Based on Cyclic Neural Network Model," 20, no.1: 1-16.

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Published: Aug 5, 2024
DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.349981
Volume 20
Guilian Wang
In applied universities, innovation and entrepreneurship education (IEE) has entered a new era of comprehensive integration of professional education. However, as a novel educational activity, the... Show More
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Wang, Guilian. "Construction of the Index System for the Integration of Professional Education and Innovation Entrepreneurship Education in Applied Universities: Based on the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model." vol.20, no.1 2024: pp.1-15.


Wang, G. (2024). Construction of the Index System for the Integration of Professional Education and Innovation Entrepreneurship Education in Applied Universities: Based on the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model. , 20(1), 1-15.


Wang, Guilian. "Construction of the Index System for the Integration of Professional Education and Innovation Entrepreneurship Education in Applied Universities: Based on the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model," 20, no.1: 1-15.

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Description, Mission, Scope & Coverage
Ask any teacher at any level of education – technology engages learners and animates their imagination. Technology stimulates minds in ways that make a profound and lasting difference. Indeed, technology, for many, is the most important new teaching strategy and learning style introduced in the... Show More
Mission & Scope:
The mission of the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE) is to serve as a medium for introducing, collaborating, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating innovative contributions to the theory, practice, and research of technology education applicable to K-12 education, higher education, and corporate and proprietary education. IJICTE publishes... Show More
  • Acceptable use policies and fair use laws
  • Administrative applications of information technology education
  • Assessment of curricular objectives, administrative applications, and corporate objectives
  • Corporate information technology training
  • Data-driven decision making and strategic technology planning
  • Educational/ training software evaluation
  • Effective planning, marketing, management and leadership of technology education
  • Holistic approach to instructional design theories
  • Impact of multicultural differences on technology
  • Impact of technology in society and related equity issues
  • Impact of technology on education-related issues such as copyright laws, censorship, and fair use
  • Impact of technology on student achievement
  • Pedagogy and androgogy of teaching with technology
  • Related issues that impact the research, position, and practice of information technology education on schools, corporate entities, and society
  • School improvement and reform
  • Standards-based technology education programs
  • Technology as a teaching (teacher/instructor) strategy and learning (student) style
  • Technology as a teaching strategy and learning style
  • Technology planning, marketing, and management
  • Technology tools for education and training environments
  • Technology training tools and instructional materials
  • Theories and models of instructional systems design
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Reviews & Statements

The IJICTE will open horizons for technology educators giving them a broader perspective of how technology serves the needs of an expanding and increasingly diverse customer base. In addition, IJICTE will focus the awareness of technology educators on the commonalities shared among the various disciplines that claim technology as a content area to be mastered and as tools for teaching and learning to be implemented.

– Lawrence Tomei, Robert Morris University, USA

With an increasing body of research indicating that the learning outcomes of distance education are similar to those of classroom-based courses it is crucial to understand how Information and Communications Technologies can be better used to enhance education on both fronts. This new journal offers a well-timed opportunity to discuss, explore, evaluate and understand developments in this critical field.

– Jairo Gutierrez, The University of Auckland, New Zealand

As we strive to integrate technology into various learning environments, it is important to be knowledgeable about the changing domains of technology. We need to know more about how we can communicate and collaborate with our global partners. The International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education is a valuable resource to help us learn more about our world-wide technology and communication capabilities and how we can infuse them into novel approaches to teach and to learn.

– Lawrence Tomei, Robert Morris University, USA

The International Journal of Information and Communication Technoloy Education is the only journal addressing the issues of the rational and productive use of technology in education at all levels. Each issue is a multidisciplinary window on how technology can be used in an increasingly learning-centered world.

– William Grosky, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA

Nowadays technological tools have an outstanding influence on information and communication areas, representing a key factor for the survival and development of all kinds of today's organizations. Hence, one must consider that a goal of any organization is to be updated in such fields through reliable sources contributed to and reviewed by leading researchers and practitioners. The International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education is an important means to obtain such goal.

– Javier Diaz-Carmona, Technological Institute of Celaya, Mexico
Submission-Related Inquiries

David D. Carbonara
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE)

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The International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE) is owned and published by IGI Global.

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701 East Chocolate Avenue
Hershey, PA 17033

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Grace Long
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IGI Global
Phone: (717) 533-8845 ext. 147

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Samantha Miduri
Development Editor - International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE)
IGI Global
Phone: 717-533-8845