Commercial Logistics vs. Military Logistics: A Conceptual Analysis

Siva Kumar (The Logistics Institute –Asia Pacific, Singapore & Technical University of Munich (TUM-Asia), Germany) and Aaron Chia (The Logistics Institute-Asia Pacific, Singapore)
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 329
EISBN13: 9781466617117|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0065-2.ch014
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Military logistics originated from the military’s need to make provisions of arms, ammunition, and ration as they moved forward from their bases. Military operations and maintenance have made a significant contribution towards developing logistics in the initial stage as compared to other business sectors. Though logistics originated and developed from military operations, it is now widely adopted in the area of manufacturing, production, and business management. This case study analyzes the difference between military and commercial logistics in terms of their entire supply chain management, which includes procurement, inventory management, warehouse location and operation, ABC categories, material handling, network, transportation, information flow and technology, and security management.
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