Death in Rome: Using an Online Game for Inquiry-Based Learning in a Pre-Service Teacher Training Course

Shannon Kennedy-Clark (Australian Catholic University, Australia), Vilma Galstaun (University of Sydney, Australia), and Kate Anderson (University of Sydney, Australia)
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 382
EISBN13: 9781466642744|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2848-9.ch018
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This chapter presents a case study that used an online game in a pre-service science teacher training course in the context of computer-supported inquiry learning. Numerous studies have shown that pre-service teachers complete their education with an inadequate range of skills and knowledge in the use of technology in the classroom. In this study, the authors focus on developing pre-service teachers’ skills in using a game to teach students through inquiry-based learning. The game used in this study was Death in Rome, a free to access point-and-click game. In the workshop, the participants were required to complete an inquiry-based learning activity using an online game. Overall, this study shows a positive change in attitudes towards game-based learning in science education.
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