Aligning Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Anchored on E-Learning Platforms: Transferable Competency in CBC Education

Aligning Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Anchored on E-Learning Platforms: Transferable Competency in CBC Education

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6586-8.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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The need for educators to respond to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), is characterized by competency-based curriculum (CBC)—education that is learner centered with new approaches to curriculum design, pedagogy, and technologies, thus e-learning. However, there is need for knowledge on how all these are aligned through education psychology, the convergence zone, and the platform for virtual learning. This is a process driven by an e-assessment for cognitive efficiency, higher levels of thinking, and metacognition. The author attempts to harmonize this knowledge by aligning the curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and ICT. The author also proposes a conceptual model, which is derived from learning theories and dimensions, e-assessment attributes, and an e-learning platform towards lifelong and sustainable learning.
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The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is characterized by the fusion of the digital, biological, and physical worlds, as well as the growing utilization of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, robotics, 3D printing, the internet of things, and advanced wireless technologies, among others. This has ushered in a new era of economic disruption with uncertain socio-economic consequences for the world. Thus, there is the need to re-think how educators can adopt innovative pedagogic strategies while levering on digital technologies for responsive curriculum implementation and meaningful learning. 21st Century learning is that which is authentic that bears real life experiences within a sustainable development framework. It calls for lifelong learning and so different kinds of engagement while learning. The call is for a self-regulated learner requiring student centeredness pedagogy that demands an instant and effective feedback in real time. This calls for the need for an eAssessment within an eLearning framework. On its own eLearning as a tool is not sufficient to stimulate engagement learning that leads to development of core competencies pivotal for “21st Century learning.” There is therefore need to re-think how educators can adopt innovative pedagogic strategies while levering on digital technologies for responsive curriculum implementation and meaningful learning. This calls for a self-regulated learner requiring student centeredness platform that demands an instant and effective feedback in real time.

There is need to bring together those who design and deliver online learning within a competency-based curriculum (CBC) education to share paradigms, perspectives, insights, contextualization, challenges, and best practice that leads to authentic approaches of reflective learning and autonomous learners. The challenge for the author is to ensure direction on every aspect of this chapter and to offer a discussion to guide curriculum cum knowledge that will guide the discipline that aligns to an eLearning format driven by eAssessment. Preference is towards formative assessment that is aligned to assessment for learning (AfL) verses assessment of learning (AoL). AfL is a formative assessment approach, a classroom assessment format. Much as the world has embraced AfL approach globally and in higher education levels of learning, the concept is yet to be addressed professionally. Further, the competency-based learning that is learner centered driven by assessment first philosophy within an e-learning format is yet to meet best practice standards. eLearning has focused on “Information Technology (IT_ as hardware and not Information Communication Technology, ICT) _software. Further aspects of AfL and ICT is yet to become familiar to a wide range of students, teachers, and researchers in education. Terms and processes such as self-regulated learning (SRL) process that is driven by assessment and has a bearing on psychological processes of cognition mediated within education psychology methodology is still a challenge in conceptualization and application. Thus, the demand for critical thinking, cognitive efficiency and metacognitive knowledge and awareness as well as metacognitive strategies is still a distant reality. Even then, many have adopted the competency-based system and are driving the process but with problems. There is need to provide knowledge on this subject as well as to give guidance on alignment and how all of this fits into an eSystem of learning.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Self-Regulated Learning (SRL): It is an adaptation that is linked with authentic ways of assessment whereby assessment becomes the driver of the process towards autonomy and independence of learner.

Assessment for Learning (AfL): It is a formative assessment approach, a classroom assessment format verses assessment of learning (AoL), a pedagogical approach to classroom formative assessment practice based on evaluative judgment.

eAssessment: It is an e-learning online assessment akin to computer-based testing and computer-based assessment which arises when as assessment is created, written, delivered and marked technologically_ it is “end-to-end” electronic assessment process where ICT are used for the presentation of assessment activity and the recording of response.

Education psychology: It is the methodology of education that provides a platform for synergies created while learning being a platform for curriculum design, pedagogy and assessment and so becoming the convergence of the whole process of learner centered learning. it has both practical and applied dimensions, in addition to well-developed theoretical and philosophical.

Learning Theories: It is the thinking about teaching and learning driven by synergies created in an ‘Education Psychology’ frame of thought of content, pedagogy, and assessment as well as today digital learning.

Learning dimensions: These are lusters of attitudes, values, and dispositions, rather than capabilities or skills. They frame the way you approach a new learning opportunity.

Lifelong Learning: It is defined as a continuation of education with an ongoing process of professional development along with self-assessment, which enables one to maintain the requisite knowledge, skills, and professional standards.

21st Century Learning: The concept refers to giving students skills needed to succeed in the new world order of life long education; while helping them grow the confidence to practice those skills authentically with a learning environment that relies on interactive learning, higher level thinking skills; it encompassing information age an era of rapid adoption of technologies; and is fueled by knowledge economy that values creativity and critical thinking beyond cramming skills of the industrial era.

Computer Based e-Tests: They are made for maximal interactivity with test items that are multi-media compliant whereby response is developmental in nature and performance based while administered in real time and space.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT): It is the infrastructure that enables innovative and renewed learning methods of network components, applications, and E-Systems that enable interaction in the digital world due to its internet enabled sphere and mobile powered wireless networks.

Constructivism: It is a philosophical perspective, pedagogic process of students' constructing knowledge individually verses acquisition that relates to real work tasks hat is characterized by active techniques including e-learning digital process.

eFeedback: It is a process that results in formulating questions and answers regarding that are designed to be in real time and on demand.

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