Journal Contents: International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research (IJITSR)

Volume 12 (2014)
Issue 1
Born Global Market Dominators: Insight into a Unique Class of Young Companies and Their Environment (pages 1-16)
Simone Wurster (Berlin University of Technology, Berlin, Germany), Knut Blind (Berlin University of Technlogy, Berlin, Germany, Fraunhofer Institute of Open Communication Systems (FOKUS), Berlin, Germany & Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands), Sebastian Fischer (Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Berlin, Germany & Berlin University of Technology, Berlin, Germany)
The Effect of Pre-Existing Standards and Regulations on the Development and Diffusion of Radically New Innovations (pages 17-37)
J. Roland Ortt (Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands), Tineke M. Egyedi (DIRoS, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
A Framework for Measuring the Deployment of Internet Protocols (pages 38-62)
Tapio Levä (Department of Communications and Networking, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland), Antti Riikonen (Department of Communications and Networking, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland), Juuso Töyli (Department of Marketing and International Business, Turku School of Economics, Turku, Finland), Heikki Hämmäinen (Department of Communications and Networking, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland)
The Archaeology of Measurement Comprehending Heaven, Earth and Time in Ancient Societies
Book Review
Ken Krechmer (University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA)
Issue 2
Understanding the Technology Development Process at the Early Standardization Stage: The Case of Cognitive Radio (pages 1-20)
Vladislav V. Fomin (Department of Applied Informatics, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania and Turiba University, Riga, Latvia), Hanah Zoo (Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea), Heejin Lee (Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea)
Standardization Strategies and Their Impact on Partners' Relationships in Complex Product and Systems: Cases in the Space Sector (pages 21-37)
Karim Benmeziane (Montpellier Research in Management, Montpellier 2 University, Montpellier, France), Anne Mione (Montpellier Research in Management, Montpellier 2 University, Montpellier, France)
Seizing Opportunities for the Support of Innovation through Committee Standards and Standardization: Insights from German Companies (pages 38-56)
Nizar Abdelkafi (Fraunhofer Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Leipzig, Germany and Department of Innovation Management and Innovation Economics, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany), Sergiy Makhotin (Fraunhofer Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Leipzig, Germany and Department of Innovation Management and Innovation Economics, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany)
“Standard Bibles” and Mediators as a Way of Software Development Organizations to Cope with the Multiplicity and Plurality of Standards (pages 57-77)
Ronny Gey (Institute for Applied Computer Science, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany), Andrea Fried (Department of Management and Engineering (IEI), Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden)
Volume 11 (2013)
Issue 1
The Rise of MP3 as the Market Standard: How Compressed Audio Files Became the Dominant Music Format (pages 1-26)
Simon den Uijl (Department of Technology and Innovation, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Henk J. de Vries (Department of Technology and Innovation, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Deniz Bayramoglu (Department of Technology Transfer, Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany)
Infrastructural Innovation: Flexibility, Generativity and the Mobile Internet (pages 27-45)
Ole Hanseth (Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway), Petter Nielsen (Telenor Research and Future Studies, Fornebu, Norway)
Issue 2
The Challenge of Establishing a Recognized Interdisciplinary Journal: A Citation Analysis of the International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research (pages 1-16)
Geerten van de Kaa (Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands), Knut Blind (Department of Technology and Operations Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands& Berlin University of Technology, Berlin, Germany & Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems Fokus Public Innovation, Berlin, Germany), Henk J. de Vries (Department of Technology and Operations Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Profiles and Motivations of Standardization Players (pages 17-33)
Cesare A. F. Riillo (Research Unit EPR2, ANEC (“Agence pour la Normalisation et l'Économie de la Connaissance”) on behalf of  STATEC (National Institute for statistics and economic studies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg), Luxembourg)
Standards Development as Hybridization (pages 34-45)
Xiaobai Shen (University of Edinburgh Business School, Edinburgh, Scotland), Ian Graham (University of Edinburgh Business School, Edinburgh, Scotland), James Stewart (The Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland), Robin Williams (The Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland)
Responsible Innovation and Standardization: A New Research Approach? (pages 61-65)
Geerten van de Kaa (Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands)
Volume 10 (2012)
Issue 1
Pre-Standardization of Cognitive Radio Systems (pages 1-16)
Vladislav V. Fomin (Turiba School of Business Administration, Latvia), Arturas Medeisis (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania), Daiva Vitkute-Adžgauskiene (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania)
The Evolution of IETF Standards and their Production (pages 17-33)
Mehmet Gencer (Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey)
Standards for ICT: A Green Strategy in a Grey Sector (pages 34-47)
Tineke M. Egyedi (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Sachiko Muto (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
The Role of Technology Standardization in RFID Adoption: The Pharmaceutical Context (pages 48-67)
May Tajima (The University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Issue 2
Korea’s Strategies for ICT Standards Internationalisation: A Comparison with China’s (pages 1-13)
Heejin Lee (Yonsei University, Korea), Joon (Chris) Huh (SK Marketing & Company, Korea)
Standardization as Governance Without Government: A Critical Reassessment of the Digital Video Broadcasting Project’s Success Story (pages 14-28)
Niclas Meyer (Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Germany)
Are Asian Countries Ready to Lead a Global ICT Standardization? (pages 29-44)
DongBack Seo (University of Groningen, The Netherlands and Hansung University, South Korea), Jan Willem Koek (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
International E-Customs Standardization from the Perspective of a Global Company (pages 45-58)
Stefan Henningsson (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
Standards as Hybrids: An Essay on Tensions and Juxtapositions in Contemporary Standardization (pages 59-68)
Vladislav V. Fomin (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania)
Volume 9 (2011)
Issue 1
Interpreting and Enforcing the Voluntary FRAND Commitment (pages 1-23)
Roger G. Brooks (Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, USA), Damien Geradin (Tilburg University, The Netherlands)
An Exploratory Analysis of the Relationship Between Organizational and Institutional Factors Shaping the Assimilation of Vertical Standards (pages 24-51)
Rubén A. Mendoza (Saint Joseph’s University, USA), T. Ravichandran (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
The INTERNORM Project: Bridging Two Worlds of Expert- and Lay-Knowledge in Standardization (pages 52-62)
Jean-Christophe Graz (Université de Lausanne, Switzerland), Christophe Hauert (Université de Lausanne, Switzerland)
Standardising the Internet of Things: What the Experts Think (pages 63-67)
Kai Jakobs (Aachen University, Germany), Thomas Wagner (Aachen University, Germany), Kai Reimers (Aachen University, Germany)
Issue 2
Assessing the Link Between Standards and Patents (pages 19-49)
Anne Layne-Farrar (Compass LexEcon, USA), A. Jorge Padilla (LECG, UK)
Implementing Standardization Education at the National Level (pages 72-83)
Henk J. de Vries (Erasmus University, The Netherlands)
Volume 8 (2010)
Issue 1
The Role of Standards in Engineering Education (pages 1-10)
Todor Cooklev (Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne, USA)
Where Are You? Consumers' Associations in Standardization: A Case Study on Switzerland (pages 11-27)
Christophe Hauert (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Beyond the "Point of No Return": Constructing Irreversibility in Decision Making on the Tetra Standard in Dutch Emergency Communication (pages 28-48)
Anique Hommels (Maastricht University, The Netherlands), Tineke M. Egyedi (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
The Standards War Between ODF and OOXML: Does Competition Between Overlapping ISO Standards Lead to Innovation? (pages 49-62)
Tineke M. Egyedi (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Aad Koppenhol (Sun Microsystems, The Netherlands)
The Significance of Government's Role in Technology Standardization: Two Cases in the Wireless Communications Industry (pages 63-74)
DongBack Seo (University of Groningen, The Netherlands and Hansung University, South Korea)
Issue 2
Analysis and Validation of Learning Technology Models, Standards and Specifications: The Reference Model Analysis Grid (RMAG) (pages 1-19)
Jan M. Pawlowski (University of Jyväskylä, Finland), Denis Kozlov (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
Concepts and Standardization in Areas Relating to Competence (pages 29-44)
Simon Grant (JISC CETIS, UK), Rowin Young (JISC CETIS, UK)
Virtual Worlds, Standards and Interoperability (pages 45-59)
Daniel Livingstone (University of West Scotland, UK), Paul Hollins (University of Bolton, UK)
Application Profiles and Tailor-Made Conformance Test Systems (pages 60-73)
Ingo Dahn (University Koblenz-Landau, Germany), Sascha Zimmermann (University Koblenz-Landau, Germany)
Community-Driven Specifications: XCRI, SWORD, and LEAP2A (pages 74-86)
Scott Wilson (University of Bolton, UK)
A Data Model for Describing and Exchanging Personal Achieved Learning Outcomes (PALO) (pages 87-104)
Jad Najjar (WU Vienna, Austria), Michael Derntl (University of Vienna, Austria), Tomaž Klobucar (Institut “Jožef Stefan”, Slovenia), Bernd Simon (WU Vienna, Austria), Michael Totschnig (WU Vienna, Austria), Simon Grant (JISC CETIS, UK), Jan Pawlowski (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
Volume 7 (2009)
Issue 1
Standardization and Business Models for Platform Competition: The Case of Mobile Television (pages 1-12)
Pieter Ballon (Free University of Brussels, Belgium), Richard Hawkins (University of Calgary, Canada)
Standards, Patents and Mobile Phones: Lessons from ETSI's Handling of UMTS (pages 13-34)
Rudi Bekkers (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands), Joel West (San Jose Staet University, USA)
Is Accreditation Important in Standards Work? (pages 35-47)
Karl F. Best (Independent Consultant, USA)
Formulas for Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory Royalty Determination (pages 66-75)
David J. Salant (Columbia University and Clemson University, USA and Toulouse School of Economics, France)
The First ITU-T Kaleidoscope Conference (pages 76-77)
Kai Jakobs (Aachen University, Germany)
Issue 2
Language Selection Policies in International Standardization: Perception of the IEC Member Countries (pages 23-42)
Hans Teichmann (Erasmus University, The Netherlands), Henk J. de Vries (Erasmus University, The Netherlands)
Standards Education Policy Development: Observations based on APEC Research (pages 43-63)
Donggeun Choi (Korean Standards Association, Korea), Henk de Vries (Rotterdam School of Management - Erasmus University, The Netherlands), Danbee Kim (Korean Standards Association, Korea)
Standardization of Information Technologies in Fundamental Research in Russia (pages 64-81)
Yuri Gulyaev (The Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), Alexander Oleinikov (The Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), Eugene Zhuravliov (The Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
Volume 6 (2008)
Issue 1
A Framework to Build Process Theories of Anticipatory Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Standardizing (pages 1-38)
Kalle Lyytinen (Case Western Reserve University, USA), Thomas Keil (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland), Vladislav Fomin (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Integrating Real Option and Dynamic Capability Theories of Firm Boundaries: The Logic of Early Acquisition in the ICT Industry (pages 39-54)
Alfred G. Warner (Penn State Erie, USA), James F. Fairbank (Penn State Erie, USA)
A Step Towards the Adoption of Standards Within the UK Ministry of Defence (pages 55-69)
Josephine W. Thomas (Loughborough University, UK), Steve Probets (Loughborough University, UK), Ray Dawson (Loughborough University, UK), Tim King (LSC Group Limited, UK)
Developing a Basis for Global Reciprocity: Negotiating Between the Many Standards for Project Management (pages 70-84)
Lynn Crawford (University of Technology-Sydney, Australia), Julien Pollack (University of Technology-Sydney, Australia)
Issue 2
Foundations and Future Prospects of Standards Studies: Multidisciplinary Approach (pages 1-20)
Shiro Kurihara (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)
Structural Effects of Platform Certification on a Complementary Product Market: The Case of Mobile Applications (pages 48-65)
Ankur Tarnacha (Pennsylvania State University, USA), Carleen Maitland (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Volume 5 (2007)
Issue 1
Factors Influencing the Lifetime of Telecommunication and Information Technology Standards: Results of an Explorative Analysis of the PERINORM Database (pages 1-24)
Knut Blind (Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research & Berlin University of Technology, Germany)
The Performance of Standard Setting Organizations: Using Patent Data for Evaluation (pages 25-40)
Aura Soininen (Lappeenranta University of Technology and Attorneys-at-Law Borenius & Kemppinen, Ltd, Finland)
Patents and Standards in the ICT Sector: Are Submarine Patents a Substantive Problem or a Red Herring? (pages 41-83)
Jane K. Winn (University of Washington School of Law, USA)
U.S. and EU Regulatory Competition and Authentication Standards in Electronic Commerce (pages 84-102)
Krzysztof M. Brzeziński (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
Network Operators' Requirements and the Structure of Telecommunications Standards (pages 103-117)
Marc Rysman (Boston University, USA), Tim Simcoe (University of Toronto, Canada)
Issue 2
Education about Standardization: Recent Findings (pages 1-16)
Henk J. de Vries (RSM Erasmus University, The Netherlands), Tineke M. Egyedi (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Teaching Standards to Engineers (pages 17-26)
Ken Krechmer (University of Colorado - Boulder, USA)
Education for IT Service Management Standards (pages 27-41)
Aileen Cater-Steel (University of Southern Queensland, Australia), Mark Toleman (University of Southern Queensland, Australia)
Volume 4 (2006)
Issue 1
The Role of Individuals and Social Capital in POSIX Standardization (pages 1-23)
Jim Isaak (New Hampshire University, USA)
Comparing the Standards Lens with Other Perspectives on IS Innovations: The Case of CPFR (pages 24-42)
M. Lynne Markus (Bentley College, USA), Ulric J. Gelinas Jr. (Bentley College, USA)
Open Standards Requirements (pages 43-61)
Ken Krechmer (International Center for Standards Research, USA)
Best Practice in Company Standardization (pages 62-85)
Henk J. de Vries (Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Florens J.C. Slob (Vlaardingen, The Netherlands), Van Gansewinkel Zuid-Holland (Vlaardingen, The Netherlands)
Issue 2
Scope and Timing of Deployment: Moderators of Organizational Adoption of the Linux Server Platform (pages 1-23)
Joel West (San Jose State University, USA), Jason Dedrick (University of California, Irvine, USA)
A Diffusion Model for Communication Standards in Supply Networks (pages 24-42)
Tim Stockheim (Frankfurt University, Germany), Michael Schwind (Frankfurt University, Germany), Kilian Weiss (Frankfurt University, Germany)
Market Response to ISO 9000 Certification of Software Engineering Processes (pages 43-54)
G. Keith Fuller (University of British Columbia, Canada), Ilan Vertinsky (University of British Columbia, Canada)
The Impacts of the Cascading Style Sheet Standard on Mobile Computing (pages 55-69)
Matt Germonprez (University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, USA), Michel Avital (Case Western Reserve University, USA)
Linguistic Qualities of International Standards (pages 70-88)
Hans Teichmann (Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Henk J. de Vries (Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Albert J. Feilzer (Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Volume 3 (2005)
Issue 1
Lessons from the Past: Public Standardization in the Spotlight (pages 1-20)
Ulrich Blum (Dresden University Technology, Germany)
Developing Country Perspectives Software: Intellectual Property and Open Source (pages 21-43)
Xiaobai Shen (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Should Buyers Try to Shape IT Markets Through Non-Market (Collective) Action? Antecedents of a Transaction Cost Theory of Network Effects (pages 44-67)
Kai Reimers (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), Mingzhi Li (Tsinghua University, China)
Issue 2
Roadmap for E-Commerce Standardization in Korea (pages 1-14)
Junho Shim (Sookmyung Women’s University, South Korea)
x: act (pages 15-28)
Erik Wustner (Freiberg University of Technology, Germany), Peter Buxmann (TU Darmstadt, Germany), Sven Schade (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Modularity of the Software Industry: A Model for the Use of Standards and Alternative Coordination Mechanisms (pages 29-41)
Heiko Hahn (University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany), Klaus Turowski (University of Augsbrug, Germany)
Standardization in Enterprise Inter- and Intraorganizational Integration (pages 42-50)
K. Kosanke (CIMOSA Association e.V., Germany)
Findings and Recommendations from a Pan-European Research Project: Comparative Analysis of E-Catalog Standards (pages 51-65)
Volker Schmitz (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany), Joerg Leukel (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
PLIB Ontology: A Mature Solution for Products Characterization in B2B Electronic Commerce (pages 66-81)
Youcef Aklouf (National Engineering School for Mechanics and Aerotechnics, France), Guy Pierra (National Engineering School for Mechanics and Aerotechnics, France), Yamine Ait Ameur (National Engineering School for Mechanics and Aerotechnics, France), Habiba Drias (Research Laboratory in Artificial Intelligence, Algeria)
The Emerging ISO10303 Modular Architecture: In Search of an Agile Platform for Adoption by SMEs (pages 82-95)
Ricardo Jardim-Gocalves (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, UNINOVA, Portugal), Ricardo Olavo (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, UNINOVA, Portugal), Adolfo Steiger-Garcao (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, UNINOVA, Portugal)
Volume 2 (2004)
Issue 1
Tightrope Walking: Standardisation Meets Local Work-Practice in a Hospital (pages 1-22)
Gunnar Ellingsen (University of Tromso, Norway)
Issue 2
Standardization and Other Coordination Mechanisms in Open Source Software (pages 1-17)
Tineke M. Egyedi (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Ruben van Wendel de Joode (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Standardization and Competing Consortia: The Trade-Off Between Speed and Compatibility (pages 18-33)
Marc van Wegberg (University of Maastricht, The Netherlands)
In Pursuit of Interoperability (pages 34-48)
Scott Moseley (Farbum Scotus, USA), Steve Randall (PQM Consultants, UK), Anthony Wiles (ETSI PTCC, France)
Standardization and Innovation Policies in the Information Age (pages 49-60)
Ken Krechmer (University of Colorado-Boulder, USA)
Intellectual Property Protection and Standardization (pages 60-75)
Knut Blind (Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Germany), Nikolaus Thumm (Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, Switzerland)
Volume 1 (2003)
Issue 1
Block Alliances in Formal Standard Setting Environments (pages 1-18)
Alfred G. Warner (Pennsylvania State University-Erie, USA)
When Is Standardization Slow? (pages 19-32)
M. H. Sherif (AT&T, USA)
How High-Technology Start-Up Firms May Overcome Direct and Indirect Network Externalities (pages 33-45)
Mark Pruett (George Mason University, USA), Hun Lee (George Mason University, USA), Ji-Ren Lee (National Taiwan University, China), Donald O’Neal (University of Illinois-Springfield, USA)
Issue 2
Network Effects and Diffusion Theory: Network Analysis in Economics (pages 1-21)
Tim Weitzel (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany), Oliver Wendt (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany), Falk G. von Westarp (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany), Wolfgang Konig (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany)
Consortium Problem Redefined: Negotiating Democracy in the Actor Network on Standardization (pages 22-38)
Tineke M. Egyedi (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
A View from Inside a CEN Working Group (pages 39-48)
Jurgen Wehnert (BMT Transport Solutions, Germany)