Planning and Implementing Online Programs: A Case Study in the Graduate School of Education at the State University of New York at Buffalo

Kay Bishop (SUNY Buffalo, USA) and Christine Kroll (SUNY Buffalo, USA)
Copyright: © 2011 |Pages: 58
EISBN13: 9781609606619|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-111-9.ch004
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This case study reviews the planning, development, and initial implementation of an online Master’s of Library Science (MLS) degree program at a large public research university. The development process will be presented from both a school-based and a department-based perspective. A review of the literature found articles and books that address online programs in education and library science; however, the majority of those publications focus on either the experiences of students or the concerns of faculty members who deliver courses through distance education technologies. Very few of the resources address the full spectrum of planning, developing, and implementing an online program. We found that the MLS program development process greatly benefited from existing school-based policies and procedures, while some barriers and challenges were also encountered in the context of customizing those policies and procedures for the Library and Information Studies (LIS) department. We believe our experiences will inform practices at other institutions and departments considering initiating online programs.
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