Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Adult Learners Utilizing Information Communication Technologies

Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Adult Learners Utilizing Information Communication Technologies

Gregory C. Petty, Carol A. Carter
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61692-906-0.ch045
(Individual Chapters)
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The theory of self-efficacy has been shown to be a contributing factor to the success of adult learners’ in educational programs that utilize information communication technologies, specifically online learning. The determination of online learning self-efficacy is measured with the Tennessee Online Instruction Scale that measures self-efficacy beliefs using three factors of (1) internet; (2) collaborative/online learning, and (3) personal beliefs. It is the purpose of this chapter to help readers understand and use these findings that can contribute to the overall success of adult learners in an online environment. Included are summary results from Carol Carter’s 2004 dissertation on self-efficacy beliefs among college students.
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This chapter is based primarily on social cognitive and self-efficacy theories. Bandura proposed that social cognitive theory (SCT) is characterized by three interacting factors: (a) behavior, (b) personal factors, and (c) environmental factors. The determining interaction of these factors, according to Bandura (1997), the triadic reciprocality model. Bandura argued that assumptions could be made that environmental factors might affect the cognitive perceptions (behavior) of adult learners. In other words information communication technologies such as online learning and web based instruction could affect could be affected by one’s self-efficacy Bandura (1977, 1986, 1997).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Information Communication Technologies (ICT): Web logs (blogs), word processors, video editors, World Wide Web browsers, Web editors, e-mail, spreadsheets, presentation software, instant messaging, plug-ins for Web resources, listservs, bulletin boards, avatars, virtual worlds, and many others.

Social Cognitive Theory: Theory that describes human functioning through the model of mutual interactivity of behavior, personal factors, and environmental events.

Online Instruction Self-Efficacy: Self-appraisal of one’s capabilities to participate in online instruction, that is to perform instructional tasks that involve collaborative and individual learning activities over the Internet and World Wide Web.

Web-Enhanced Instruction: The use of course management system tools (i.e., Blackboard, WebCT) to augment the traditional face-to-face classroom.

Online Instruction: An interactive instructional program that uses World Wide Web resources and attributes to create a meaningful learning environment.

Self-Efficacy: People’s judgment of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performances. It is concerned not with the skills one has but with the judgments of what one can do with whatever skills one possesses.

Computer Self-Efficacy: An individual’s belief in their ability to perform a particular computer task.

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