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Research on the Uniqueness and Characteristic Development of University Library Cultural Services: Practices at Wuhan University Library
Volume 9
Lian Ruan, Xingye Du
Published: Jan 1, 2020
Converted to Gold OA: Jan 1, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJLIS.2020010101
Volume 9
Junling Zhao, Wenxian Ge
Reading promotion is a key service of the public library. This article investigates the current state of reading promotion in public libraries in China. There were 86 public libraries chosen as a... Show More
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Zhao, Junling, and Wenxian Ge. "Survey of Reading Promotion of Public Libraries in China." IJLIS vol.9, no.1 2020: pp.1-9.


Zhao, J. & Ge, W. (2020). Survey of Reading Promotion of Public Libraries in China. International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS), 9(1), 1-9.


Zhao, Junling, and Wenxian Ge. "Survey of Reading Promotion of Public Libraries in China," International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS) 9, no.1: 1-9.

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Published: Jan 1, 2020
Converted to Gold OA: Jan 1, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJLIS.2020010102
Volume 9
Shuqing Chu, Shumin Tu, Nuo Wang, Weiran Zhang
It is very important to study public library services available to migrant workers, which have the potential to enrich public library services and promote social equity. After analyzing the present... Show More
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Chu, Shuqing, et al. "Information Equity and Cultural Sharing: The Service for Migrant Workers in Hangzhou Public Library." IJLIS vol.9, no.1 2020: pp.10-24.


Chu, S., Tu, S., Wang, N., & Zhang, W. (2020). Information Equity and Cultural Sharing: The Service for Migrant Workers in Hangzhou Public Library. International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS), 9(1), 10-24.


Chu, Shuqing, et al. "Information Equity and Cultural Sharing: The Service for Migrant Workers in Hangzhou Public Library," International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS) 9, no.1: 10-24.

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Published: Jan 1, 2020
Converted to Gold OA: Jan 1, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJLIS.2020010103
Volume 9
Huiyan Tang, Yitao Hu, Suoling Zhu, Weiwei Li, Qingkui Xi, Yuxian Liu
This article provides a brief summary of the development of topic-related multidimensional reading services in academic libraries in China. The authors mainly introduce the methods and practices... Show More
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Tang, Huiyan, et al. "Two Case Studies of Topic-Related Multidimensional Reading Services in China." IJLIS vol.9, no.1 2020: pp.25-35.


Tang, H., Hu, Y., Zhu, S., Li, W., Xi, Q., & Liu, Y. (2020). Two Case Studies of Topic-Related Multidimensional Reading Services in China. International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS), 9(1), 25-35.


Tang, Huiyan, et al. "Two Case Studies of Topic-Related Multidimensional Reading Services in China," International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS) 9, no.1: 25-35.

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Published: Jan 1, 2020
Converted to Gold OA: Jan 1, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJLIS.2020010104
Volume 9
Lihua Wang, Fei Yang
In order to make reading promotion more professional and qualified, some libraries and associations in China are training reading promoters. The Pudong Library of Shanghai is a typical case. This... Show More
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Wang, Lihua, and Fei Yang. "Reading Promoters' Training: New Service of Public Library - A Case Study of Pudong Library of China." IJLIS vol.9, no.1 2020: pp.36-51.


Wang, L. & Yang, F. (2020). Reading Promoters' Training: New Service of Public Library - A Case Study of Pudong Library of China. International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS), 9(1), 36-51.


Wang, Lihua, and Fei Yang. "Reading Promoters' Training: New Service of Public Library - A Case Study of Pudong Library of China," International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS) 9, no.1: 36-51.

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Published: Jan 1, 2020
Converted to Gold OA: Jan 1, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJLIS.2020010105
Volume 9
Xincai Wang, Xin Xie
Characteristic development is a process of intentionally solidifying and cultivating something's uniqueness. This article analyzes the uniqueness of university library cultural services in... Show More
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Wang, Xincai, and Xin Xie. "Research on the Uniqueness and Characteristic Development of University Library Cultural Services: Practices at Wuhan University Library." IJLIS vol.9, no.1 2020: pp.52-65.


Wang, X. & Xie, X. (2020). Research on the Uniqueness and Characteristic Development of University Library Cultural Services: Practices at Wuhan University Library. International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS), 9(1), 52-65.


Wang, Xincai, and Xin Xie. "Research on the Uniqueness and Characteristic Development of University Library Cultural Services: Practices at Wuhan University Library," International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS) 9, no.1: 52-65.

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Published: Jan 1, 2020
Converted to Gold OA: Jan 1, 2021
DOI: 10.4018/IJLIS.2020010106
Volume 9
Xiaowen Wang, Tianni Wang
The Liaoning Provincial Library is one of the largest and most well-functional libraries. It has the largest building area and provides abundant services to the public. The Liaoning Provincial... Show More
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Wang, Xiaowen, and Tianni Wang. "Innovative Practice and Development Thinking of Space Re-design in the Liaoning Provincial Library." IJLIS vol.9, no.1 2020: pp.66-76.


Wang, X. & Wang, T. (2020). Innovative Practice and Development Thinking of Space Re-design in the Liaoning Provincial Library. International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS), 9(1), 66-76.


Wang, Xiaowen, and Tianni Wang. "Innovative Practice and Development Thinking of Space Re-design in the Liaoning Provincial Library," International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS) 9, no.1: 66-76.

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International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS)

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