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What is 15-Minute City

Multidisciplinary Approaches to Organizational Governance During Health Crises
A concept of urban planning that promotes the idea of creating self-sustaining neighborhoods where people can access all the services and amenities they need within a 15-minute. The goal is to create socially and environmentally sustainable urban communities based on a mixed-use development that combines residential areas with businesses, services, and interactive public spaces.
Published in Chapter:
A Twin-Track Approach for Informal Settlements Restructuring in Response to the Impact of COVID-19: A Case Study
Tarek Fouad Rahmoun (Tishreen University, Syria), Maya Hassan (Tishreen University, Syria), and Ali Naddeh (Syrian Virtual University, Syria)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9213-7.ch007
The impact of epidemics on urban restructuring is one of the most critical planning issues. This chapter presents a twin-track approach to intervention in the informal housing areas in Syria after investigating the ability to face the impact of Covid-19 epidemic. The informal housing “al-Radar” area in Tartous City was adopted as a case study. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used for a multi-dimensional analysis of gathered data and site planning aspects. The goals are to achieve participatory decision-making to guide area restructuring aligned with national urban development laws. In addition, laying down the foundation of an area plan for future on-site redevelopment considers community cohesion and land-use improvements. Results illustrated the poor traditional planning criteria efficiency in achieving urban resilience/immunity required for a “new normal” and the need for good governance in land administration utilizing 15-minute city principles and a street-led citywide approach for the full integration into the city system as a tool to promote sustainable development.
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