Also known as CLR, is a dynamic, verified record of student achievements across curricular, co-curricular and experiential learning activities provides evidence of student learning in real-time, giving institutional administrators, student advisors, employers, and students a window into student learning and achievement.
Published in Chapter:
Comprehensive Learner Record as a Vehicle for Assessment and Learning Transparency in a Skills Economy
Sherri Nicole Braxton (Bowdoin College, USA), Suzanne Carbonaro (AEFIS, USA), and Natasha Jankowski (New England College, USA)
Copyright: © 2022
|Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3820-3.ch011
This chapter outlines assessment technology that supports the development of Comprehensive Learner Record, or CLR. Here the authors present the theoretical landscape upon which current credentialing innovation builds, explore advancements through a case study of practice between University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and the Greater Washington Partnership (GWP), and culminate with an overview of the assessment technology that ultimately facilitates recognition, validation, and portability of learning in the form of a comprehensive learner record.