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What is Homework Gap

Handbook of Research on Barriers for Teaching 21st-Century Competencies and the Impact of Digitalization
A student barrier that occurs because they cannot complete their homework since they lack access to broadband and computers or other resources to successfully complete their assignments on time.
Published in Chapter:
De Facto Segregation and the Digital Divide
Fawzia Reza (American College of Education, USA)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6967-2.ch008
While de jure segregation is illegal in the United States, many school systems still enforce a form of de facto segregation, based on various factors including socio-economic status. This causes disparity in educational outcomes, especially when examined through the lens of skills identified by the partnership for 21st century learning (i.e., critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity). A digital divide, which has been created by unequal access to technology, is directly responsible for an uneven playing field for disadvantaged students, and the COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated existing inequalities. Suggestions regarding how to reduce the digital divide are shared; implementing these might create a more equitable learning environment for all students.
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