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What is Humanized Education System

Handbook of Research on Contemporary Approaches in Management and Organizational Strategy
This is a schooling, instruction scheme that has its principles based on humane, empathetic elements. To humanize is to penetrate and be penetrated by the consciousness of the other, because the solid and deep bonds between people are built with solid and transparent personal relationships. But societal humanitarian values are not confused with personal values. Therefore, it is up to the human being to know how to bet on Humanization and the recalibration of economic-social systems. Knowing what the human being wants and knowing the path that s/he must follow, according to the new social energy, is an imperative to humanize the educational systems and make them an instrument of socio-economic humanization. Here, education contributes to putting people at the center of society's concerns. When this happens, the construction of society will be more humane, more social, and more solidary than the present, because it is based on the materiality and immediate benefits of the application of resources.
Published in Chapter:
Service Learning: The Essence of Social Inclusivity Through Transformational Education
Ana Martins (University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa), Orlando Petiz Pereira (University of Minho, Portugal), and Isabel Martins (University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6301-3.ch005
The chapter highlights the endogenous strengths that humans have of exposing society to sustainable change. At birth, humans bring with them a triptych code including, the social, emotional and spiritual, that needs to be further developed. Those non-cognitive skills that schooling should instill are possible via service learning education. Through education, individual citizens are enthused with harmonious cognitive and non-cognitive skills which are positive, inclusive, humane, in harmony with life and circumstances. In the current complex and uncertain economy, this education model is directed at social responsibility, social innovation, citizenship, personal and social commitment. Being holistic, multi-focused and dynamic, it brings together learning, service and the economy. This learning- teaching model aligns with an intellectual and humanized society; entails two simultaneous objectives, pedagogical and community collaboration; focuses on real circumstances, deals with community-identified needs, solidarity, cooperation, harmony and commitment.
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