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What is Object Theatre

Creativity as Progressive Pedagogy: Examinations Into Culture, Performance, and Challenges
Involves the use of objects in creating a story or narrative. The objects can be used as themselves or be imagined to be some other objects. This can also be used in the classroom as an exercise to look at things from different perspectives.
Published in Chapter:
Adversity and Innovation: Staying Relevant in the Theatre
Minti Jain (Bangalore Little Theatre Foundation, India), Murtuza Khetty (Bangalore Little Theatre Foundation, India), and Asha Mathew (Bangalore Little Theatre Foundation, India)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8287-9.ch012
The pandemic of 2020 put the whole world on a technology-driven online stage like never before. The new stage called for innovation and new forms of creativity. The Theatre-in-Education team at ATA was also caught unprepared, especially the all-pervasive nature of the consequences. The team was confronted by questions of relevance and the role of educators at a time like this. This chapter describes the processes involved in crafting and successfully conducting two types of online workshops using theatre methods as the principal platform. Theatre is a group activity which involves touching, feeling, comprehending, and connecting through close contact with other participants. One must recognize that this essential component of theatre cannot be accomplished through online sessions. Despite this, the workshops had an immense impact on the children's personal development and added the element of fun to their online experience which might otherwise have remained dry and boring.
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