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What is Staff wellness

Handbook of Research on Dissecting and Dismantling Occupational Stress in Modern Organizations
This refers to specific programs undertaken by an employer that aim to improve employees’ psychological health and further assist individual employees to cope with their day-to-day stresses. Work-related programs are designed to promote work wellness, encourage team building and motivate employees to change their behaviors positively. Wellness specifically addresses common health risks that exist within any given workforce such as stress, obesity, smoking and high blood pressure ( Reece, Brandt, 2006 ).
Published in Chapter:
Overview and Management of Burnout Among Academics
Daniel Opotamutale Ashipala (University of Namibia, Namibia), Fillemon Shekutamba Albanus (University of Namibia, Namibia), and Tuyenikelao Muudikange Nghole (University of Namibia, Namibia)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6543-1.ch015
This chapter provides a broad overview of the prevalence of burnout among academics. Burnout is a syndrome which has one or more of the following central features: detachment from co-workers, clients and/or work; decreased energy levels; physical ailments; and issues such as eating disorders, drug or alcohol abuse, decreased social contacts, and marital discord. The purpose of this chapter is to outline the links between various contributory factors and burnout amongst the academic population. Optimal management processes, including self-care and staff wellness programs, are anticipated to be key in reducing burnout and improving the quality of life for academics.
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